Chapter 5

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Maybella's POV


As soon as I heard the door gently close, I began violently sobbing into the chest of the person who held me on the floor. I collapsed as I couldn't stand anymore and they caught me. They sat sitting with me in their lap while they rubbed my back and let me ruin their once dry suit vest with my tears and gross snot. While they comforted me, I involuntarily slipped into my always safe space, avoiding sitting on my probably bright cherry red bum bum.

I started off mumbling between sobs at how much of a "bad guy," my Father was and that he, "deserve his bum bum spanked too!" My childish voice probably makes it very hard to understand me, along with my crying.

It didn't seem to matter what I said as the person just held me in their arms. I felt sorta safe here. Warm even.

After a while, I seemed to have calmed down a little... Just enough to stop crying. Instead, I'd sniffle and pout at how unfair life seemed to be, but mostly because my bum bum was still stinging. Forgetting most of my worries, I took a nap—just a small nap—on the stranger's chest... They didn't seem to mind as they leaned against the sofa and continued to gently rub my back, lulling me to sleep without so much as a word of complaint...

Never would I have ever imagined that when I woke up, I'd be lying in a crib with Ms. Chatte snuggled close... and Mr. Solomon sitting across the room in a rocking chair, asleep, looking totally disheveled...

His usually kept hair seemed to be a mess while his uniform was in all sorts of disarray. His black uniform vest was open along with his white button up shirt, revealing parts of his perfectly chiseled body... His vest seemed to have some sort of stains on one part... Did I do that? Oh my... His pants were wrinkled, and his sleeves were rolled up showing off his perfect forearms... with scratch marks littered on his right arm along what seems to be a bite mark... But what caught my eye most was his restful face. It didn't match the sight before me. He seemed a mess but his face was relaxed. One could say peaceful.

Sitting up, I tried to climb over the wall that seemed to stop me from my freedom. The wall of beautifully crafted dark wood that I could only dream about. As if Solomon had super senses, as I know he does, he woke up from the chair and took moments to just look at me... The sleep almost disappeared from his gaze immediately.

He took a second to actually stand up and walk to me with a small smile plastered on his face... "Good morning, My lady, it seems you're finally awake for the day," Solomon greets as he lifts me out of the crib and onto the floor for me to stand by myself... "Wes well..." I stopped talking as I noticed something was in my mouth... Spitting it out, only for it to hit me in the chest, I continued talking. "Yes, well... It seems so."

We fell into an awkward silence of Solomon just staring down at me with a big gleeful smile. It made me feel bashful so I walked out of my playroom to escape his heavy gaze... Yet I almost instantly stopped when I saw what an absolute shit show my room happened to be in... It looked worse than when I trashed it and mother's magic fixed everything...

"You destroyed your room yesterday evening while throwing a small tantrum..." Small??? This is small to you?! "My lady, you seemed upset that the door wouldn't open for you, as you are grounded for the time being." Why don't I have any recollection of doing all this?? Did little me do this?!

Quickly turning towards Solomon, I stared at him in shock and distressed... Bringing my hands to my hair, I ruffled it and whispered a line of curse words as I looked around... If Mother saw this I would be sooo dead right now...

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