Chapter 5

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Lola's POV

I had a great time at the wedding. I had a lot of fun. I just got back home in Los Angeles to rest for a few days and next week I'm going to start recording my third album. I'm in my bed thinking about the date I had with Rebecca.

"I really wanted to kiss you". That's what's been stuck in my mind since we had our first date. It hasn't been a week since we hung-out and I already want to see her again. She's calm and kind although she has a cold personality. That day I was the one who talked the most and she was the one who listened the most but spoke the least.

In the free time I have until next week I go to Twitter and see a photo of me being spread at the restaurant I went to with Rebecca. I'm the only one in the photo because it's taken with zoomed in, so Rebcecca doesn't appear in the photo. The photo was posted by the waitress who served us that day on social media "Last weekend Lola came here to the restaurant! What a coincidence! She was very kind to me and she was beautiful 😁❤️" When we both said goodbye that weekend at the door of the hotel where I was staying, we passed each other's phone numbers to talk more comfortably. While I'm looking at the waitress's tweet, I head to the kitchen to help myself to some leftover ice cream and suddenly I get a message from Rebecca.

– There's a photo of you being spread at the restaurant we went to. Did you see it?

– Yes, I saw it. The waiter who served us that day posted it

– Luckily you were the only one in the photo and I was not because I told my parents that I was using the family's car to "hang-out with my friends" but I actually used it to see you

– You didn't want your parents to know that you were going out with me? I thought they knew it

– I didn't tell them that we were going out because I didn't want them to ask me 20 questions about that. They don't know you very well personally and to save myself from all those questions I told them that I was going out with my friends that they do know well

– Oh ok. And, how are you doin'?

– I'm good. I just came back home from work and I'm in the pool cooling off a little. And, what about you? Did you have a good time at the wedding?

– I had a great time

– Glad to hear it. So you are going to start recording your third album 😀✨💿 Are you excited about it?

– Yeah obviously Rebecca! I'm going to have a lot of work to do next week. I'll to miss u so much 🥺🤎

– I'll miss u so much too Lola 🥺💛

– I'm going to take a break before Halloween. If you want, we can get together in that week

– Yeah! It would be great! You could come to visit the rural area where my family lives

– I would love to! I need to get away from the urban environment for a week in a green and quiet place

– I can imagine how tiring is living in the noise of Los Angeles

– Yeah, it's very tiring here. I would like to move to Texas bc here everything is expensive and the taxes are very high in California

– I get you. Here in TX life is good at least. In the area where I live there's a hotel with a cottage style. We can stay there, it's nice and quiet

– Great! What a good idea! Can u send me the link? So I can book a room for that week

– Yeah, of course!

And when we meet I wanna talk to you about something

– It's okay

Rebecca sends me the link and I thank her. But, why did she suggest we stay in a hotel? We can't stay in her house? Or in the apartment where she lives when she studies at the university that she told me about? Could it be that, in addition to wanting to rest in a quiet place and be alone with me away from her family and friends for a few days, she wants to tell me that she likes me?

It's been a week since the break. It's Monday at 9 am and I'm in the music studio with many papers of songs already written, a thermal bottle of water and some snacks to kill my hunger a little while I work. I'm the first one to arrive at the workplace. Five minutes later the producers and my manager arrive.

In the first moment I try to concentrate and not delay the third musical project. I think about Rebecca a lot. I was intrigued by what she wanted to talk to me about. Ugh, August just started and there's two months away to meet her and find out what she wants to tell me about. I will do my best to work a lot on my next album but I will try to book a room in the hotel when we meet.

In August I spent a lot of time recording in my home studio too. I also have a studio there. I didn't have time to see my friends but I did have a little time to see my family. In September I keep recording songs and two music videos ready for when my third album comes out. A lot of rehearsal, costume fittings and seeing the setup of the recording locations. And also getting up at six in the morning to do all that stuff that exhausts my body the most. In addition to recording almost every day, I start checking the hotel page that Rebecca sent me to see if there is a free room for October. I wanted to book a room with two single beds but there were none available so I had no choice but to book a room with a double bed.

Once I receive the confirmation email that I reserved a room, I take a screenshot of the email and send it to Rebecca. I apologize for not being able to reserve a room with two beds and that we will have to share the double bed. She tells me that she has no problem sharing a bed and that she can't wait to see me. I also tell her that I can't wait to see it either. I imagine how happy she must be because we are going to see each other again. I'm going to have more time with her because we stayed there for a week. I already want to see my pretty blonde.

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