Chapter 4

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Rebecca's POV

My dad's birthday ends, the five of us in the family get in the car and go home. When I got into the car, I remained half-mouthed with an expression that something left me speechless at the moment when I almost kissed my favorite singer, my idol, Lola. Daphne out of nowhere asked me "Is there something wrong with you Rebe?" and there I react and I quickly tell her that nothing happened to me.

The five of us arrived home half an hour later. I go to my room to take off my dress and shoes and I remove my make-up at a table with a mirror I have there. I'm not very sleepy yet so I started listening to music with my earphones. One of my favorite songs is i wanna be your girlfriend by girl in red. While I listen to that song I think about what happened between me and Lola, the moment we almost kissed on my dad's birthday and I sang it miming to not to wake anyone in the house.

Oh, Hannah Lola, I wanna feel you close


I don't wanna be your friend, I wanna kiss your lips

I wanna kiss you until i lose my breath


Minutes later I received a message from Lola on Photogram telling me "Honestly, I still wanted to kiss you. For once again I'm gonna say that you were gorgeous tonight. Goodnight Rebecca 🤎🌙" and I replied to her "I feel the same, I hated when my mom interrupted us. I'm sorry for that. You looked gorgeous too. Thank you for doing the favor to my dad, Lola and goodnight 💛✨"

And after writing that message, I'm going to sleep happy and a little angry because I couldn't have a kiss with Lola because my mom's annoying behavior interrupted the most important moment of my life; my first kiss. I never had a girlfriend and even less kissed a girl because of my cold personality.

The next day, Sunday, I woke up on a rainy day so I decided to have breakfast in my room watching The L Word series in my bed from my laptop obviously with my earphones and the door closed so no one in the house sees or hears what I'm watching on my computer. I spent all the morning watching a lot of episodes of the series until midday and since I wasn't hearing anything outside my earphones, my brother Kyle opens the door without permission and approaches where I was watching the series and waves his hands in front of my face. I get freaked out, stop the series, I get the screen down and remove my glasses. "What's wrong Kyle?" I ask him kinda mad "The lunch is already ready. We've been calling you for five minutes" "Oh, sorry, sorry. I'll be there". I leave my computer in my room and go to the kitchen with the dirty mug that I left in my nightstand to leave it there and sit down to eat with my family.

My mom at the table asks me why it took me so long to get to the table for lunch, I tell her that I was watching a series and my dad asks me what series I was watching. Here is where I have to lie because I can't tell him I was watching The L Word and I tell him I was watching The Office. "Ohh *chews the meat and swallows it* I haven't watched that series for a long time, it's one of the best ones I've seen" and everyone starts talking about the series except Kyle. He looked at me with a disappointed face shaking his head. I don't understand why he does that to me.

When the launch ends my brother goes to his room to continue playing with his PlayStation and I enter his room and close the door without his permission like he did it to me with my room when he got in without asking me.

— Kyle, why did you give me a bad look while shaking your head?

*he pauses the game and tells me in a low voice* Rebecca... you think i'm stupid? You weren't watching The Office, I know you were watching a series or movie about lesbians

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