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Welcome my dear readers!!

After a long time, I'm updating this story. I try to update consistently 🥲.

Jim left the hospital and getting ready for travel. He is sad cuz he never leave Min for even one day after their love confessions.

Min is emotionally strong person even though it's hurts to him for leaving Jim. He is like a paradoxial person. He is happy that Jim is going to perform in big stage and his hardwork pays off.

After some hours, Jim reached hotel in Thailand. (A/N: He is going to perform in Thailand)

He freshed up and went to the concert stadium. He can't believe that he is going to perform there . He started to practice one of his song filter while dancing.

He is not concentrate on dance moves. He just thinking abt Min only. He get tensed cuz of this. He is going to perform this song after few hrs.

While he worrying abt this, someone hugged him from back. He startled then he hugged that person too.

He is no one other than J. J smiling like a sunshine. He is always there for Jim. J asked what he worrying abt. Jim didn't say abt his relationship with Min to him. He just thinking what to say.

After few seconds,
Jim: I..I..missing Min.

J: Min?? Your manager right?

Jim: Yeah yea..

J: why you missing him? He is your friend?

Jim: No no...he is my..my

J: what? Say why you stopped?

Jim: he is my..my boyfriend

J: WHAT....HOW...

Jim: yeah J ,he is. I wanted to tell you but-

J: But? You never tried to tell...You betrayed me...

Jim: No no I never meant to do this..We just secretly maintaining this..

J: Anyway, Where he is now?

Jim: He is in hospital now..

J: Hospital?? What happened to him

Jim: He had a accident so... He is recovering...

J: You came here so you miss him, right?

Jim: yeah...he is in hospital but here I'm going to happily song and dance..How I can be happy without his presence

J quickly hugged him.

J: don't be sad ...He will be alright and today only you live here without him..

Jim: I can't focus on dance moves...

J: Here ,come we both dance. Then it'll be easy for you.

After few minutes of dancing,Jim is better, now focusing on dance moves.
Now, Jimin getting ready for concert..
While getting ready,he called Min.

Min: Hello

Jim: How are you now

Min: I'm good ,Are you practicing?

Jim: No I'm going to stage to perform now

Min: oh...okay

Jim: I miss you so much *in low voice so no one can hear*

Min: I too miss you..It's boring without you brat..

Jim: Oh..cat is missing me *in teasing tone*

Min: Are you teasing me huh?

Jim: yeah, I'm my kitty...You will regret soon that you said I miss you

Min: we will see... Who will regret..

Jim: Had medicine?

Min: yeah...okay bye I'm going to sleep

Jim: Hey wait... Hello...He cut the call..what happened to him?why he's strangely acting..
In Kim's mansion,
Jeon is going to work now after convincing his hubby... First, Kim protested him.. But after he allowed him to work but had a condition to follow.

Jeon have to work for few hours only.He have to come home early and take rest. And eat early before Kim comes.

Jeon agreed to follow these rules.
But * in mind, he thinks that Kim can't scold him though he didn't follow these*

Like these days are passing, Kim and Jeon rarely see each other either at morning or at midnight. Kim won't talk like before to Jeon.

Jeon wanted to spend more time with his hubby but his hubby always think about work only. He sometimes got sad cause he can't spend time much with him and at the same time happy too cuz he got a very pure hearted person as a hubby.
In Min's & Jim's shared house, they both are watching Queen of tears in Television. They both are very curiously watching to know what will happen in climax. While watching,Jim suddenly snuggling into Min's neck.

Min thought he is hugging. He just hugged Jim tightly. Jim after few second,kissed Min's cheek suddenly. Min smiled and continue to watching the series only. Jim kissed another cheek and eagerly waiting for Min's response.

Min now smiles bigger and hugged him.
Jim's naughtiness goes peak and picked his lips. He never volunteerly kissed him.
Min startled by his actions. He asked what happen to Jim.

Jim never says anything. Min says not to disturb him until the series completion. They both are watching from afternoon and Jim found it little bored cuz he is littled tired so he just wanna play with Min.

So only he pecked his lips to distract him from series. But now he has no choice other than simply sitting. He suddenly stand and went to their bedroom and slept there.

Min keenly watching the climax so he didn't see where Jim go. He thought that she will die and he only live with her memories but now it's turn out to be happy ending.

He is very happy after finishing this. And going to check where is Jim. He found that he is sleeping and then he went and kissed his forehead. He is making dinner cuz it's already late.

After one and half hrs later, Min waking Jim up. Jim woke up while rubbing his eyes and smiling at him widely. Min says he is cute like asusual. Jim blushes after hearing this from Min.

Min keep the foods in dining table and called Jim from there. Jim came in night dress and his head is paining so he is sad. Min asked why he is sad. He replied that his head is paining badly.

Min asked can he massage his head. Jim agreed and said after dinner you do it.

What'll happen if Jim's relationship exposed to media?

How they manage it ?

~~~Wait to know what'll happen~~

°Ignore mistakes🥲°

~~~~~°Thankyou readers° 🎀~~~~~

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