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"E-em hi mom." He tried to get a little closer to his mother trying to greet her properly but his mother pushed him away.

"What was the deal, Chimon?" Chimon shrank in place, looking at the floor.

Nanon listened from above as his omega spoke with his mother, he wanted to know why Chimon didn't live with his family... And he immediately understood.

"We pay for your education and you have the luxury of being absent!?" He knew that his mother cared little if he had a fever or a broken bone.

"B-but m-mom." He tried to explain himself in vain.

"You've been missing for two days. What are these? Your vacation?" He knew that his mother would always find a reason to come and reproach him for everything he did and didn't do.

"I-it's just.." His mother turned to look at him with furious eyes, taking a step forward in her alpha pose.

"Shut up!" She slapped him so hard that he fell sitting on the floor.

Nanon, hearing the sound of a blow, hurried down to see what was happening.

When Nanon came down he found Chimon on the floor and his mother in the typical alpha pose that he already knew, his blood boiled knowing that someone had hit his omega. He approached with large strides, lifting Chimon off the ground and putting him behind him, Chimon's mother and Nanon exchanged hateful glances.

"So... Are you being a bitch? Typical of someone like you." Chimon's mother smiled cynically.

Chimon had not decided to be born that way but apparently his mother would never see him that way.

"I don't allow you to talk to him like that." Nanon spat, who was trying to control himself.

"And who the hell are you?"

"His boyfriend."

Chimon's mother raises her eyebrows with a feigned look of surprise.

"Look..! Apparently someone doesn't care that you're trash, what a surprise." She laughed.

"And stop crying, you look so ridiculous." She looked at Chimon with contempt.

Nanon couldn't take it anymore and grabbed her tightly by the forearm taking her in strides to the door where he closed it in Chimon's house.

Nanon turned around finding Chimon with his hands on his face while his body went up and down a little. He didn't understand how Chimon's own mother could speak like that, almost with hatred to her son. He took Chimon by the hand leading him to the couch where he waited until he calmed down so he could ask him why his mother was acting like that.

"Hey... Don't pay attention to her." He whispered while stroking Chimon's hair.

"She's right." He whispered more to himself but Nanon still managed to hear.

"Listen, you're not trash, I don't know why she would say that but–" His little speech was cut off by Chimon.

"Everyone knows it, she believes it, the school believes it, my family believes it... And you believe it!" He started crying but abruptly stopped when he saw Nanon's expression.

"I-i'm really sorry, I-i didn't m-mean to." His hands are shaking again, it was good that he was talking to Nanon now but that didn't give him the right to talk to him that way.

"Calm down." Nanon looked at him softly.

"Now tell me why she is like that." Chimon nodded.

What did he have to lose? Everything about him was on the floor.

"Since I was born, I was never what they wanted, they despised me from that moment. My whole family has been pure alphas but I was born an omega for some strange reason and not that it's a big deal but they hate me for it." He cried harder as he felt Nanon's arms surround him.

"They were never good to me." He mentioned with disdain, remembering the beatings he received for preferring to see the flowers rather than cut them, for playing with his dolls instead of playing sports.

"They never took me into account as a member of the family." Remembering how he had to stay in his room when there were gatherings.

"As soon as they had the chance they got rid of me." Nanon clenched his fists knowing that Chimon had to go through all this alone and to top it all off they had added one more martyrdom to their list.

"Don't worry, they will never bother you again."

Nanon kissed his hair, Chimon continued hiccuping. He looked at the profile of the boy's face, finding his cheek red from the recent blow.

"Does it hurt?" Chimon looked up, meeting Nanon's.

They stared at each other, Chimon looked directly at Nanon who was his aggressor before. Honey eyes, slightly tanned, somewhat long brown hair... He was really handsome, Chimon blushed furiously, he had never thought that way about a person.

"I-i uhm.. think I have to sleep." Chimon had to cut the moment before more thoughts like that passed through his mind.

"Can I stay?" Chimon bit his lip, nodding slowly. Nanon smiled excitedly and immediately lifted him up the steps princess style.

"Do you want me to help you?" Nanon whispered from behind watching him try to put on his pajamas without any success.

Nanon began to remove the bandage and then the shirt which was what was most difficult for Chimon and he stared at him. While changing, Chimon took off his glasses, revealing his immense brown eyes.

 While changing, Chimon took off his glasses, revealing his immense brown eyes

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"You're very cute." It escaped Nanon while Chimon turned red.

Nanon lay down on the end of the bed, adjusting himself to leave a space for Chimon, who gladly accepted.

After a while Chimon was more than asleep, small snores came from his lips making Nanon want to kiss them and so he did, he approached Chimon giving him a small touch. Unconsciously, Chimon stirred, hiding his face in Nanon's chest who happily took him by the waist.


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