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"We came to look for you." Said First.

Chimon looked at him with pain, he had brought them to him just when he thought that maybe someone could help him, he laughed internally, mockingly, help him? Yeah right.

"Oh no, they didn't come to hit you Mon, they never will again." First approached Chimon and put a hand on his shoulder.

"You can't walk Mon, why did you leave?"

Chimon bit his lip and looked down while trembling. First was waiting for his response but he didn't want to talk.

The other alphas, especially Nanon, looked at him worried, they had never seen someone so scared and thinking that it was his fault and that he was one of their own omega overwhelmed them.

"Can you answer me?" First spoke, a little worried about him.

"T-they will h-hit me." His voice was a whisper.

Nanon heard the softest, sweetest voice he had ever heard in his entire life and his gaze watched Chimon tenderly as he unconsciously approached. When Chimon saw him, he got the wrong idea. He clung to First while tears flooded his face. Every time he hiccupped, his abdomen contracted causing him pain.

Nanon crouched down watching his omega's eyes widen. He gently took Chimon by the waist and placed his other hand on his partner's legs. He lifted him off the floor and immediately felt the very light weight and became worried. Mon bit his lip and blood began to flow from how weak he was but he didn't notice it because of the growing fear.

"You're hurting your lip." Nanon stared at him, looking at Chimon's face, purple and black circles that combined with the streak of blood on his lip.

"W-where are they t-taking me." Chimon whispered looking at Nanon.

Chimon's scent was strongly felt by a hypnotized Nanon who squeezed the boy in his arms, his alpha was calm and wanted to have Chimon like this all the time.

"To your house." First spoke.

Chimon really didn't understand why they had changed from one day to the next and he was still afraid of them, a fear that penetrated to his bones so he didn't ask more questions than he had to.

Chimon hadn't even had breakfast and without even noticing the fatigue and lack of energy made him fall asleep in Nanon's arms.

"Don't worry, he's just asleep." First laughed.

"You're so damned worried."

"I'm sorry, it's just, he's very hurt and very thin."

Chimon unconsciously tried to get closer to Nanon, the cold of the late night was penetrating his small body. Nanon snatched his jacket from Drake's hand and placed it on top of the boy who was still clinging to him, sighing in his sleep.

"He's not okay, Non." First looked at the boy sadly and Nanon did too.

"From what I know he is not eating, he speaks in whispers and he is covered in bruises that I cannot distinguish the color of his skin very well and there is no one to take care of him."

Nanon's chest tightened, his omega had so many problems and he had to take care of him, he had to change.

"How is there no one to take care of him? Where were his parents?"

Nanon hated having to wake Chimon up when he looked so comfortable but there was no other choice.

"Mon? Can you wake up please?"

Chimon opened his eyes lazily and Nanon looked at him tenderly but when he looked at Nanon he was scared.

"Look, we're already at your house, you just have to go inside. Can you walk?"

He nodded softly as he calmed down a little, Chimon got down and make his arm to push himself to walk. He reached the door, opening it and quickly entering his house.

"Uhm, t-thank you." Nanon nodded gently.

Chimon watched him for a little while and closed the door. Nanon walked until he reached the distance where the others had stayed waiting for him.

"You helped him climb up the steps right?" First asked.

Nanon looked at him bewildered and First rolled his eyes. His feet turned and he headed back toward the house.

"Make sure he eats something!" First yelled.

Nanon rang the house bell and waited, he began to get impatient when no one answered the door but decided not to overwhelm the surely scared or sleeping omega. He walked away and shrugged his shoulders at First who understood.


"I found my omega." He said sadly, remembering his injured companion.

His parents looked at him happily and hugged him when they noticed their son's gaze, they remained static.

"I..I hit him at school just for fun, I never noticed what I did to him and on my birthday I couldn't identify his smell and he ended up with three broken ribs and his wrist." Nanon was bursting into tears and his parents were looking at him in surprise.

"Son but.. We never raised you to be like this! Why did you do it?!" His mother shouted at him, looking at him pitifully.

"Come on, calm down." His father interfered.

"Tell us more about your omega." Nanon sniffed.

"He is too thin, his body and face are covered in bruises, it is very difficult for him to speak and as I understand it, he has no family."

His mother looked at him sadly, rubbing her son's back, seeing how he continued to cry. Things couldn't be allowed to continue this way.

"Nanon." She looked at him seriously, almost cold.

"It's time for you to take care of your omega."


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