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Chimon still had a fever although it was no longer as high however First couldn't leave him alone so he decided to stay until he woke up. He didn't know the boy very well but he couldn't let them continue treating him like that, he knew that Nanon would never treat Mon the same again but he had to give him time to really see what it caused.

He saw Chimon stir and shiver from the cold even though he had more than five blankets on him, the fever was not going down at all but at least it was not going up either. He took Chimon by the waist, lifting him off the sofa and placed himself under him, transmitting heat through a hug.

Chimon stopped shivering a little while he clung more to First's shirt, he stared at him... the boy was beautiful and without a doubt he was a beautiful omega to take care of, although that thought was discarded because he knew that nothing would ever happen anyway and with that thought he quickly fell asleep.

The next day Nanon had managed to calm down and wanted to talk again not only with First but also with Chimon but he did not see any of them. It seemed very strange to him that the day before First came out of fury from there and the next day he had not arrived but he could not form the wrong ideas about his friend, he completely trusted him and thus made sure to go on a visit to Mon's house to see how he was.

The day passed so quickly that Nanon didn't even notice when he was already on his way to Chimon's house, much less when he knocked on the door desperately. The blows managed to wake up Chimon who felt himself blushing seeing how he was lying on First's chest, it was too comfortable but he still got up to open the door, finding himself with whom he least expected.

"H-hello." Chimon whispered, feeling his heart pumping rapidly.

"I wanted to know how–" Nanon stopped abruptly, wrinkling his brow and nose, generating an expression that scared the boy.

"–Why do you smell like First?!"

Chimon's face began to turn a soft red and Nanon took his arm demandingly, making him gasp at such a strong touch, for him of course. Nanon came in quickly, seeing First asleep on the couch, he approached and shook him hard.

"What the hell do you think you're doing with him and why does he smell like you?!"

First looked at Nanon disoriented at first but then he looked at Chimon trembling and took him by the wrist until he was behind him.

"He had a fever and I had to provide him with warmth."

'Well, that didn't sound as good as I thought.' First thought.

First felt a fist smash into his face but he just swung back at him.

"P-please s-stop!" Chimon's shout was more like normal speaking tone but still Nanon turned around starting to walk towards him.

Chimon thought Nanon was going to hit him but he only felt warm arms wrapping him, he didn't know how to react because he had never been given an arm before.

"Are you okay Mon? Why did you miss two days?"

Chimon opened his eyes wide and thought about what would happen to him for being absent but his eyes only watered.

Nanon felt very excited to see how Chimon didn't push him but he didn't hug him back either, although that didn't stop him from finding it cute that Chimon only reached chest height.

"He had a high fever and apparently he fainted... it could be that he hasn't eaten."

Nanon looked down while rubbing Chimon's back who simply shook his head in embarrassment.

"For how long?" Nanon added that he was worried about Chimon's health.

"T-two days."

Nanon and First were surprised by that.

"Go put something on, it's cold outside."

Chimon looked at him confused but also fearful, he didn't forget the blows, much less his broken ribs.

"Come on, I'll help you change." First said.

Nanon sent a threatening look at First and shoved him roughly making Chimon stagger but managed to hug him around the waist.

"I'll help you." He whispered in his ear making Chimon tense.

Already in Chimon's room, he took out his clothes and sat uncomfortably on the bed beginning to remove the bandage. Nanon approached him gently removing his shirt while holding the one that Mon would wear.

"You're going to get really cold in this." Nanon took a white sweater and smiled big.

"You'll look cute in this." He placed it on him off the bed, making him fall in love with Chimon who was also blushing a little.

"W-why are you being s-so nice to me?" He ventured to comment as his hands began to sweat a lot.

"If y-you're going to do something to me, d-don't t-try to pretend." He spoke softly, sobbing, they were finally going to stop pretending that they really liked him.

Nanon's heart broke and guilt filled him knowing that he thought that, as he slowly crouched down until he was level with Chimon who looked at him with tears coming from his eyes. He approached in the same way until their eyes connected and Chimon stretched his arms seeking contact and it's not that he wasn't afraid but no one had ever shown him a hint of affection in his life and he really craved it. Nanon hugged him gently since his ribs were still not healed, the smell of Chimon filled his nose and he unconsciously kissed Chimon's jaw. When Chimon felt it, he began to cry loudly but for the first time not from pain or agony but from of gratitude and affection.

"What's wrong Mon?" Nanon asked worried, stroking his hair.

"Nothing." And like one of the only times in his life, he formed a small smile.


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