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A sore Chimon stood in the middle of the hallway full of bruises and scratches, his hiccups barely audible over the laughter of his attackers, the alphas.

In reality, for Chimon, life had always been like this and although he complained about it, his omega complexion had never helped him defend himself.

"Does it hurt, four eyes?" He knew it wasn't real concern, it was just teasing.

They continued laughing as they left, leaving Chimon who as always, crawled towards the infirmary while writhing in pain. Upon entering, he put his effort into cleaning all of his wounds since there was never anyone in the infirmary, much less in his house.

"Ahhh!" His wounds hurt too much but after all, he was already used to it from the multiple times he had been through this situation.


Nanon, the leader of the alphas, continued on his way very calmly and not even a hint of guilt flooded him.

"First, you should have seen how he started whining." Ohm commented with laughter spilling from his lips.

"Four eyes is never going to finish it." Drake laughed before starting to walk with Ohm and thus they dissolved, leaving only Nanon and a disappointed First.

"It's fine that they are alphas but why do they hurt the poor omega, Nanon?!"

First was furious because for him the limits had been crossed a long time ago and he no longer got involved when they played their stupid games.

"I don't know." Nanon shrugged. "I guess we find it funny."

"He is also a person and can feel what you do to him." The tone of his voice was dulled with sadness since it was pitiful to see the poor child lying on the ground and crying while they hit him like that.

At that moment Nanon felt a hint of guilt but it did not touch him deeply and he instantly dismissed the feeling.

"But don't even think that when his alpha appears you won't be hurt." First smiled triumphantly.

"That's why we have to take advantage from now on." His laugh seemed most atrocious to his friend's ears and he shook his head.

"You know that tomorrow is your birthday right... Turning eighteen."

Nanon looked at him meaningfully, the moment where he was going to find his omega.

"Yes, I know...and I'm looking forward to it, First." His eyes were shining with excitement, he already had everything but he was missing his omega, the one who would stay with him all his life.

Both an alpha and an omega even betas were looking forward to this moment.

The exit bell rang and without mentioning the topic further, Nanon rushed off towards his new birthday present, his beautiful BMW. He entered sniffing the new aroma that came out of it and began his journey.


Chimon walked painfully towards his house because it was not that far from his school but the way was always twice as hard at least for him since he could not remember a day when he would not have been hurt.

Panic constricted his chest when he heard a car coming with loud music, he was an alpha, definitely. He tried to look for a place to hide but realized it was too late when a luxurious BMW was next to him.

Chimon knew that they were not at school, there was nothing outside that would stop them from even killing him. He began to hyperventilate and his omega was even more scared than him.

"Why so slow, four eyes?" His ears rang and his body shuddered.

It was Nanon Korapat.

"I-i'm just g-going to." He spoke softly and he knew he was wrong.

"Did I tell you that you could talk, stupid?"

Nanon opened his door and Chimon's almond-shaped eyes filled with tears, he just wanted to stay out of trouble. Nanon approached at an accelerated pace and instantly slammed his fist into Chimon's face.

Chimon fell sitting on the slope while his nose began to bleed a lot but what could he do? Without help. He stayed quiet, sobbing as quietly as he could until he heard the sound of the car start and the smell of the alpha disappear.

Finally he got home, washed his face and applied a cotton pad with alcohol on his wounds. When he saw his reflection, tears flowed since his face was full of bruises and not to mention his body. He hated this situation but he would never know why this happened to him. He looked at himself a little more and gave himself a small smile as he began to go down for a snack.

At least tomorrow he didn't expect to be the main target of the alphas, it was Nanon's birthday and he was going to be the center of attention.

He only poured himself a glass of chocolate milk because his appetite had been lost a long time ago but he knew that he couldn't stop eating food either, he was already weak, his bones were fragile so his breaks were a little frequent. He sighed as he entered his room and laying down, he closed his eyes seeking to doze a little.


Nanon's eyes widened surprisingly when he heard his family's singing.

"Happy birthday, Nanon!" Everyone shouted at the end of the song.

"Today is the day, boy." His father spoke.

His entire family was excited, the first alpha born son was going to find his mate and Nanon's body was itchy with nerves.


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