chp 21

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Inks and innings

Chp 21

After having my dinner I walked into my room, where I saw a note left assuming it was for me

I picked it up, and it read


Abhimanyu here, I am leaving the city for work and don't know if I will come back

Thats it nothing more nothing less

As Divya read the note left by Abhimanyu, a wave of conflicting emotions washed over her. Part of her felt a pang of sadness at his sudden departure, while another part tried to rationalize that it was for the best. "Why do I care?" she muttered to herself, attempting to push aside the hurt feelings and focus on the practicalities of the situation. "Good that he's gone."

Despite her attempt to brush off the impact of Abhimanyu's departure, Divya couldn't shake the feeling of emptiness that settled in her heart. She distracted herself by recalling the tasks ahead, remembering her mother-in-law's request to prepare the pehli rasosai for the next morning. With a sigh, she set an alarm for the early hours and retired to bed, hoping for a restful sleep.

The following morning, Divya woke up with a sense of determination, choosing to embrace the day ahead with grace and poise. She selected a comfortable yet stunning red saree, opting not to adorn herself with the customary mangalsutra or other marital jewelry. As she descended the stairs

Divya found her in-laws engrossed in their morning routine with the pets, their laughter echoing through the house. A small smile tugged at the corners of her lips as she observed the scene before her, a reminder of the simple joys that filled her new life.

Kavya, her mother-in-law, had thoughtfully prepared everything Divya might need for her culinary endeavors. With practiced ease, Divya set to work, effortlessly preparing a feast of her specialties – kande pohe, paratha, idli sambar, brownies, kheer, and an assortment of tea and coffee.

"Beta you have made so many things they smell amazing! come let's have it"

As Divya presented her culinary creations on the table, the tantalizing aroma filled the room, drawing compliments from her mother-in-law, Kavya. "The food smells amazing, Divya," she remarked, her eyes twinkling with appreciation for Divya's efforts. Ranvijay, ever eager for a taste, eagerly joined in, adding his praises to the mix.

Amidst the lighthearted banter and laughter, Kavya couldn't resist teasing Ranvijay about his penchant for sweet foods. "Remember, Ranvijay, too many sweets are not good for you," she chided playfully, though Ranvijay's protests fell on deaf ears as he continued indulging in the delectable treats.

After the breakfast chatter subsided, Kavya turned her attention to Divya, a warm smile gracing her features as she presented her with gifts, a customary ritual in their household. With a sense of anticipation, Divya accepted the gifts, touched by the gesture of acceptance and inclusion from her new family. Each gift carried with it a silent promise of support and belonging, reinforcing the bonds that were slowly forming between them.

As Divya unwrapped the gifts, her heart swelled with gratitude, knowing that despite the complexities of her relationship with Abhimanyu, she had found a sense of belonging and acceptance within the embrace of her new family. With each heartfelt gesture, she felt a glimmer of hope for the future, a reminder that love and connection could be found in the most unexpected of places.

As the tantalizing aromas wafted through the house, Divya couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction wash over her. Despite the uncertainties of her relationship with Abhimanyu, she found solace in the familiarity of her culinary creations and the warmth of her new family. With each dish lovingly prepared, she infused a piece of herself into their home, forging deeper connections and embracing the journey ahead.

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