chp 16

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Inks and innings

Chp 16 Divyas pov

After Abhimanyue and my babies met i looked around felt a wave of nostalgia hit me it was first house i bought with my own money

As i began packing my belongings, she meticulously sorted through her collection of books, each one holding a special place in her heart. But as she reached for another stack to add to the box, Abhimanyu's voice cut through the air like a knife.

"We can't take all of these books, Divya," he said, his tone firm and resolute.

Divya turned to him, a flash of frustration crossing her features. "And why not?" she shot back, her voice tinged with indignation. "These books are important to me. They're a part of who I am."

Abhimanyu sighed, running a hand through his hair in exasperation. "I understand that, but we have limited space in the car. We can't afford to bring everything."

"But these books are not just things, Abhimanyu," Divya insisted, her voice rising with emotion. "They're my passion, my lifeline. How can you expect me to leave them behind?"

"Because we need to prioritize," Abhimanyu countered, his tone growing more impatient. "We have more important things to worry about right now. We can't afford to be weighed down by unnecessary baggage."

Divya's eyes flashed with anger, her hands clenching into fists at her sides. "Unnecessary baggage?" she repeated, her voice trembling with righteous indignation. "These books are a part of me, Abhimanyu. They're not just something I can discard at will."

Abhimanyu's jaw tensed, his frustration bubbling to the surface. "I'm not asking you to discard them," he replied, his voice tinged with irritation. "I'm just asking you to be practical. We can't bring everything with us."

"But why should I have to sacrifice something that's important to me?" Divya shot back, her eyes flashing with defiance. "Why should I have to compromise my passion for your convenience?"

"Why dont you understand that we have dora and peaches with us and plus your stuff ho do fit evrything in the car?"

The tension between them crackled in the air, each word a battle cry in their ongoing war of wills. And as they stood there, locked in a heated debate over books and belongings, neither could shake the feeling that this was just the beginning of a much larger conflict – one that threatened to tear them apart even as it brought them closer together.

As I reluctantly agreed to leave some of her beloved books behind, she felt a pang of sadness grip her heart. Tears welled up in her eyes as she carefully packed the remaining volumes into boxes, each book a cherished memory of moments past.

With each item she placed into the box, it felt like she was leaving a part of herself behind. The weight of the decision bore down on her, and she couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by the enormity of it all.

As she lifted a particularly cherished book, her resolve wavered, and she collapsed onto the nearest chair, tears streaming down her cheeks in silent agony. The weight of her emotions threatened to engulf her, and she struggled to contain the flood of despair that threatened to consume her.

Meanwhile, Abhimanyu stood at a distance, watching her silently, his heart heavy with an unfamiliar sense of helplessness. He couldn't understand why she was so attached to these books, why they seemed to hold such power over her.

Authos pov

For him, they were just objects – inconsequential possessions that could be easily replaced. But for Divya, they were so much more. They were a lifeline, a source of solace in times of trouble, a reminder of the person she once was and the dreams she once held dear.

As he watched her break down in tears, he felt a twinge of guilt tug at his conscience. Had he been too harsh with her? Too dismissive of her feelings? He didn't know, and the uncertainty gnawed at him, leaving him feeling lost and adrift in a sea of emotions.

But despite his inner turmoil, he remained rooted to the spot, unable to offer her the comfort she so desperately needed. And as he stood there, silently watching her pain, he couldn't help but wonder if this was just the beginning of a rift that would ultimately tear them apart.

Abhimanyu hesitated for a moment, watching Divya's tears stream down her cheeks. He wanted to comfort her, to ease the pain he saw etched on her face, but the words seemed to elude him. Finally, he took a deep breath, stepping closer to her with a sense of authority tempered by empathy.

"Divya," he began, his voice steady yet gentle, "I understand this is difficult for you. But we need to leave. We have a long journey ahead, and Dora and Peaches need to get settled in."

His words hung in the air, a silent plea for her to gather herself and move forward. He offered her a supportive glance, hoping she would find solace in his presence despite the turmoil of emotions that threatened to overwhelm them both.

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