chp 10

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Inks and innings Chapter 10authors Pov

As Divya stood before the mirror, her fingers traced the delicate embroidery of the nauvari saree that her to her late mother made . The rich, dark magenta colour brought back memories of happier times, of moments spent with her mother as they had lovingly stitched the intricate patterns together. It was a precious reminder of the woman who had shaped her life, a tangible connection to her past that now held a bittersweet significance.

The saree draped elegantly around her frame, its folds cascading gracefully to the floor as Divya admired herself in the mirror. The traditional Maharashtrian embroidery adorned every inch of the fabric, a testament to the skill and artistry of her mother's hands. It was exactly as she had imagined her wedding saree to be – a symbol of her heritage, her identity, and the love that had been passed down through generations.

But even as she marvelled at the beauty of the saree, a sense of sadness washed over Divya, a poignant reminder of the absence of her mother on this momentous day. She wished with all her heart that her mother could be here to see her, to share in this joyous occasion, but she knew that it was not meant to be.

Her thoughts were interrupted by the insistent chatter of the makeup artist, who hovered nearby with an array of brushes and cosmetics. Divya's heart sank as she realised that she would soon have to endure the ordeal of getting dolled up for her wedding, a prospect that filled her with dread and discomfort.

"I'm sorry, but I don't want any makeup," Divya insisted, her voice firm as she declined the artist's services. "I want to look like myself on my wedding day, not some stranger."

Kavya let her wish come true, But she commanded her to apply mehendi "You will do as you're told, Divya," she said, her tone leaving no room for argument.

Reluctantly, Divya acquiesced to Kavya's demands, allowing herself to be adorned with henna and jewelry against her will. The weight of the moment bore down upon her, the realization sinking in that she was being forced into a marriage she didn't want, surrounded by people who didn't understand her true desires.

But amidst the chaos and confusion, there was one constant source of support – her brother, Aryan. As he watched her prepare for her wedding, his emotions overwhelmed him, and tears welled up in his eyes. He knew better than anyone the sacrifices Divya was making for their family, and his heart ached for the pain she was enduring.

Unable to contain his emotions any longer, Aryan stepped forward and enveloped Divya in a tight embrace, his tears mingling with hers as he whispered words of love and encouragement. In that moment, amidst the chaos and uncertainty, they found solace in each other's arms, a reminder that no matter what trials lay ahead, they would face them together as a family.

Abhimanyu pov

As I stood before the mirror, preparing for my wedding with Divya, a whirlwind of emotions threatened to overwhelm him. As Each article of clothing I donned, each adjustment i made to my appearance, served as a stark reminder of the life-altering decision i was about to make.

My mind raced with conflicting thoughts and emotions, a tumultuous storm of doubt and uncertainty. Was i doing the right thing? Was this truly the path i was meant to follow? Deep down, i knew the answer – no. But the weight of familial expectation bore down upon me, urging me to fulfil my duty, to honor my commitments, no matter the cost.

As i smoothed down the lapels of his sherwani jacket, I couldn't help but feel a sense of resignation settling over him. This was his fate, his destiny – to marry his EX to sacrifice my own happiness for the sake of his family's honor. It was a bitter pill to swallow, but one he knew he must swallow nonetheless.

My chain of toughts were broken by my dad

I heard a knock at the door . I glanced up, meeting his father's gaze with a mixture of apprehension and resignation.

"Son," my father began, his voice soft yet filled with an unspoken wisdom. "I know that this marriage is not what you expected, and I understand that it may be difficult for you."

I nodded, unable to meet my father's eyes. The weight of his own conflicted emotions pressed down upon him, threatening to suffocate him beneath their crushing weight.

"But I want you to remember something," his father continued, his tone gentle yet firm. "Regardless of your past with Divya, she deserves your respect. She deserves love....your love "

I nodded, his resolve strengthening with his father's words. I knew that i cant change the past, cant erase the mistakes i had made. But he could choose how i faced the future, how i approached this unexpected twist of fate.

"Thank you, Dad," i said, his voice tinged with gratitude. "I'll do my best to respect Divya, to give this marriage love...her , but it will take time but I promise you that I will not mistreat her ."

My father smiled, a proud yet sad smile that spoke volumes. "That's all I ask, son," he said, his voice filled with quiet pride. "Remember that no matter what happens, I'll always be here for you.chalo beta yr mumma must be waiting"

With a heavy heart and a resolute determination, Abhimanyu took a deep breath and squared his shoulders. Whatever the future held, he would face it with courage and dignity, knowing that he was doing what was expected of him, what was necessary for the greater good of his family. And as he prepared to take the next step into an uncertain future, he vowed to carry the weight of his sacrifice with grace and humility, trusting that he was following the path laid out for him, no matter how difficult it may be.

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