chp 9

12 6 2

Inks and innings

Chp 9Divyas pov:

I feel extremely scared angry and disappointed the way we are getting married but right now bhai is sitting in front of me giving ideas to run off

"Bhai i am not running of this wedding i am marrying him ,you both were behind my life to marry someone i am now so let me ,i taken this decision very consciously,turst me"

"Bacha but this is not fare!he is the reason for all of your past traumas and heart break marrying him will be like playing with fire" bhai said

"Bhai i know what i am doing"

"Ok now tell me how are you going to bring a outfit "

"I was not prepared for this soo early but yes, Divya, there's something I need to show you."

"What is it, bhai"

" It's... it's something Mom made for you."

" (confused) For me? What do you mean?"

" (gives her a big box"

(i open it , and sees a letter and has a white cloth beneath it t, revealing a beautifully crafted saree.)

i first open the letter

I looked at bhai

" It's a letter. She wrote it for you."

" (voice trembling) A letter... from Mom?"

" Yeah. She wanted you to have it for your wedding day."

(looking at the envelope with trembling hands) Oh, bhai....."

(She carefully opens the envelope and unfolds the letter, her eyes scanning the familiar handwriting.)

(reading aloud) "My dearest Divya..."

(She pauses, overcome with emotion.)

(placing a comforting hand on her shoulder) "Take your time, bacha ."

(continuing to read) "My dearest Divya, as I watch you prepare for your wedding day, I want you to know that I am with you, always. Though I may not be here in person, my love for you knows no bounds. You are my strength, my light, my everything. And as you embark on this new chapter of your life, know that I am by your side, looking out for you, guiding you, and cheering you on every step of the way."

(voice choked with emotion) Mom..."bhai said

(tears streaming down her cheeks) "I am so proud of the woman you've become, Divya. I have watched with awe as you pursued your dreams with unwavering determination, never allowing setbacks to dim your spirit or deter you from your path. You have achieved so much, my dear, and your accomplishments fill my heart with pride. From the depths of despair, you have risen, spreading your wings and soaring to new heights.You are strong, you are resilient, and you are capable of overcoming any obstacle that comes your dear, that life is a journey filled with ups and downs, twists and turns. But no matter where the road may lead you, know that you are never alone. I am always with you, watching over you, and loving you with all my heart. Remember that you are loved beyond measure, and that no matter where life takes you, I will always be with you, watching over you, and loving you with all my heart."

I tried reading the further part but i couldnt process words out of my system i just forwarded the letter to bhai and he understood what i ment he took the letter nd started reading it

Bhai cleared his throat and began to read aloud, his voice thick with emotion. "Now, I want to tell you about something special I made for you—a saree that holds both tradition and individuality."

I listened intently, my heart heavy with emotion as she remembered my r mummas love and creativity.

Bhai contained

"As a child, I remember how you used to admire my wedding saree, with its intricate embroidery and timeless elegance. It was a symbol of love and tradition, passed down through generations."

Bhai paused, overcome with emotion, and i reached out to squeeze his hand in comfort.

"But as you grew older, I realized that you had your own dreams, your own aspirations, and your own unique sense of style. So, I decided to create a saree just for you—a saree that blends tradition with modernity, a saree that reflects your individuality and spirit."

Tears streamed down my cheeks as she listened to her mother's words, feeling the weight of her love and sacrifice.

"I poured my love and creativity into every stitch, imagining the day when you would wear it with pride and grace. And now, as you prepare to embark on this new journey, I want you to know that this saree symbolizes not just tradition, but also your strength, your resilience, and your indomitable spirit."

Bhai's voice faltered, and he handed the letter to Divya, unable to continue. With trembling hands, i took the letter and continued to read.

"Wear it with pride, my dear, and remember that you carry with you the love and blessings of generations past. You are my greatest joy, Divya, and I am so incredibly proud of the woman you've become."

The room was filled with silence, broken only by the sound of their quiet sobs. In that moment, they felt their mother's presence surrounding them, wrapping them in her love and guiding them forward.

With tears in their eyes and hearts full of love, they held each other close, finding solace in their shared grief and the enduring bond of family.

(whispering) Thank you, Mom... Thank you for always being there for me."

(pulling her into a tight hug)" She may not be here in person, Divya, but her love will always surround us."

(gasping) Oh, Aryan... is this...?

(nodding) Yeah. Mom made it for you.

(eyes welling up) I had no idea... Why didn't she tell me?

(placing a comforting hand on her shoulder) she wanted it to be a surprise. She wanted to see the look on your face when you saw it for the first time.

(running her fingers over the intricate embroidery) It's... it's beautiful.

Yeah, it is. Mom put so much love and care into every stitch.

(voice trembling) bhai"

(gently) Divya, I know it's hard. But Mom... she wanted you to be happy. She wanted to see you wearing this saree, walking down that aisle with a smile on your face. It would mean everything to her.

(tears streaming down her cheeks) I know, bhai. I know. But it's all so overwhelming,plus this marriage doesnt feel real its just a compromise ...

(pulling her into a hug) I know, Divya. I know. But whatever you decide, just know that I'll always be here for you. We all will.

*(clinging to him) Thank you, bhai. Thank you for being here for me.

(holding her tightly and kissed her forehead ) Always, Divya. Always.

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