chp 18

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Inks and innings

Chp 18

Kavya's eyes sparkled with excitement as she explained the next post-wedding ritual to Divya and Abhimanyu. "Now, it's time for one of our favorite traditions: Finding the Rings!"

Divya glanced at Abhimanyu, a mixture of curiosity and amusement dancing in her eyes. "Finding the Rings?" she echoed, her lips quirking into a playful smile. "Sounds intriguing."

Abhimanyu grinned in response, his competitive spirit already ignited. "Let's see who's quicker at finding them," he teased, a playful glint in his eyes.

With Kavya leading the way, they made their way to the designated area where a large dish filled with milk, vermillion, and flower petals awaited them. Nestled amidst the colorful array were a few betel nuts, each adorned with a delicate ring.

"The rules are simple," Kavya explained, her voice animated with enthusiasm. "You'll take turns dipping your hands into the mixture and searching for the ring. Whoever finds it the most times wins!"

Divya nodded eagerly, her competitive streak emerging as she eyed the dish with determination. "Challenge accepted," she declared, her gaze meeting Abhimanyu's with playful defiance.

As they began the first round, laughter filled the air as they plunged their hands into the mixture, the cool liquid sending shivers down their spines. With focused expressions, they sifted through the petals and betel nuts, their fingers brushing against each other in their quest to find the elusive ring.

With each round, the competition intensified, their laughter growing louder as they teased and taunted each other in good-natured rivalry. Despite the playful banter, there was an undeniable sense of camaraderie as they bonded over the shared experience, forging early connections in their new family.

And when the final round came to an end, it was Abhimanyu who emerged victorious, his triumphant grin lighting up his face as he proudly displayed the ring he had found. Yet, in that moment, it was clear that the true prize was the bond they had formed, a testament to the joy and unity that defined their new journey together.

But abhimanyue had realised something ,if he stayed near her for some more time he would fall in love again and he didnt want that.

Kavya's warm smile radiated as she turned to Abhimanyu and Divya. "Abhi, why don't you take my daughter to her room and help her change into something more comfortable?" she suggested, her tone gentle yet authoritative.

"Bacha tell me if y need anything and its 6 in the evening ill give food to shiro by 7:30 pls tell me the timings when dora and peaches have food and what will they have , i usually give shiro rice and chicken ,tell me how these new babies like there food"

""Aunty , you dont need to disturb yourself ill take care of shiro dora and peaches,but thanku so much for your concern"

"Beta first of all they dont disturb me,they are my grandkids i love to do this and secondly call me ma baccha you are my daughter not any stranger"

"Maa.."and divya broke down into tears and hugged kavya after a few seconds they released each other from there hug and divya continued

"Ma dora and peaches are extremely foodie they will pretend that they are hungry for ages and make you give them more but dont fall into that trap give them chicken but just a bowl after sometime during we sit to eat they will eat eggs and curd"

"Oh divya stop complaining ,look how cute they are looking they would never do something like this "

" ma they do"

"Ok now go get some sleep"

"Yes maa"

Abhimanyu nodded in agreement, a hint of reluctance flickering in his eyes as he glanced at Divya. "Sure," he replied, his voice neutral as he gestured for her to follow him.

Divya followed Abhimanyu to the room indicated by Kavya, her mind swirling with a mix of emotions. As they entered the room, she felt a pang of nostalgia wash over her, the familiar surroundings offering a sense of comfort amidst the unfamiliarity of her new life.

"Here, you can change here ," Abhimanyu said, his voice brusque as he showed her the closet , his demeanor distant and aloof.

"Thank you," Divya murmured softly, her gaze flickering to meet his before quickly averting away.

As Divya began to change, Kavya's words echoed in her mind, urging her to address her not as "aunty," but as "ma." The term felt foreign on her tongue, a stark reminder of the new role she was expected to embrace in this unfamiliar household.

"Divya, do you need anything else?" Abhimanyu's voice interrupted her thoughts, his tone clipped and distant.

"No, I'm fine," Divya replied, her voice tinged with uncertainty as she struggled to navigate the complexities of her new relationship with Kavya.

Abhimanyu's expression remained impassive as he turned to leave the room, his footsteps echoing in the silence that followed. Divya couldn't help but feel a twinge of disappointment at his apparent indifference, a stark contrast to the warmth and affection she had hoped to find in her new family.

As she finished changing and made her way back to the living room, she couldn't shake the feeling of unease that lingered within her. Despite Kavya's insistence on being addressed as "ma," the distance between her and Abhimanyu seemed insurmountable, a silent barrier that separated them in this new chapter of their lives.

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