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For the first time, hailey was at micah's house. His siblings were also home but he wanted hailey to avoid them at all costs.
"Baby, move fast" he said as he was holding her hand. He had just fetched her from the gate as she came with an uber. She made an excuse to her parents that she was at the library.

"Yini baby" she asked still amazed by the sight of the house. From the chandeliers, to the architecture and to the furniture. It was magnificent and gave a homey feeling. It was truly a mansion and it screamed money.

"Your house is beautiful yazi" she said letting his hand go as she still wanted to explore house.
"You brought isfebe yakho in my mothers house?" Lubanzi said entering the living room. Where Hailey was holding her  tote bag, that had a few books and she was holding her bottle juice in her other hand. She suddenly felt scared and slowly walked behind Micah.
"Bhuti leave us alone." Micah said and finly grabbed haileys hand.
"Wait! Hailey when are you guys starting exams?" Lubanzi asked as they were on the stairs, sinister smile approaching on Lubanzi's face.

"On Wednesday" she replied still scared.
"Ohhh okay. So 3 days. Good enough" lubanzi muttered and confused hailey.
"Yohhh yohh baby this is niceeeeee. Gurlll. Okayyy. It don't smell like ass."  She said reffering to a tiktok sound and micah chuckled.
"This is cute and so manly" she said looking at him
"Its not like yours that has alot of stuff everywhere" he said. His room was plain and simple but screamed money as itnwas painted light grey. With black sheets and a black duvet. His curtains were a shade of black grey but it was beautiful still.

"Yeah yeah, im going to play games" he said going to his game pad and put on his head set.
"Micah, but i just arrived" she said removing the head phones and he gave her an eye.
"No one invited you here" he said with one ear still not covered as he was fixing his character on Call of duty.
"Ha baby how could you say that!?" She asked him

"You invited yourself" he said and she frowned
"But i asked if you were free and you said okay"
"I was free, now im not" he said and the covered the ear and the online game started.
She let out a heavy sigh and sat on the bed.
'Perks of having a moody boyfriend ' she thought to herself.

She took out some of her books and began reading them. She needed to pass bio this term. She has been failing bio ever since she started learning it. Her highest mark was 39%. It was always a subject she hated and funny how micah loved the subject.
"Fuck biology, lets do physics" she said throwing the text book away and began doing physics.
It would always be funny how she we get straight A's but would always have a U in biology.

1 hour later she was now bored and  got off the bed and wanted to bother micah. She then went near him and began poking him.
"Babeeeeeeee" she whined. She sat on his lap but he shifted his head to the side so that he could see the game.

"Hailey Mharn, get off. I was almost killed" micah groaned and she shook her head.
"Baeeee" she said and began slightly going up and down.
"Wena futseq" micah said and pushed her off his lap roughly and she landed on the floor with a loud thud.

"Owww" she said. As she began to stand up she felt a liquid going down on her forearm.
"Yoh" she said, disgusted by seeing blood.
"Baby, where is your first aid kit?" She asked shaking micah and he ignored her
"Andile Mharn, kill those bitches!" Micah shouted into his mic.

"If you dont, your gun is pink" he said again.
Hailey then let out a sigh and went to the bathroom. She poured water on her forearm and felt relaxed seeing the blood going away. At some point the blood stopped and she realised the cut wasn't too deep.
She then stoppped the running the by turning it clockwise and then wiped her forearm.

"AJAX, KILL THE DAMN BITCHES. OH YOU MOTHERFUCKER, THAT'S WHY I FUCKED YOUR SISTER" micah shouted and this grabbed haileys attention. Micah then slowly turned back and the look on haileys face was enough for him to turn back to his game.

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