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Car park
"Micah marn lets go" hailey said stomping her feet standing next to his car.
"Dont rush me" micah said.
Today he was moody and hailey has been moody too considering that her period is soon.
Henry just looked at the 2 and sighed knowing the car ride was going to be filled with tension.

"Why did you touch my Ac?" Micah asked with a mug on his face looking at hailey who was in the passenger seat.
"I didn't know i wasnt allowed to touch it" she spat at him crossing her arms
And henry now looked her direction

"Did i fucking say that?" He said so sinister to her.
"Well you sure did act like it. Trust me next time i won't ever touch it." She said rolling her eyes
"Dont roll your eyes at me dammit" micah said grabbing her neck and they looked at each other intensely.

"Ehem!" Henry said and they broke the eye contact
"Dont touch me, if you don't want me to touch ur ac" she said putting her seatbelt as he started reversing out of the car park.d
"Keep quiet" he said focusing on the road.
Now the car was silent. No radio and the sound of the moving car was the only thing being heard.
"Soooo how was everyone's day?" Henry asked tryna cut the tension
"Mine was fine, i actually enjoyed my lunch for the first time" hailey said making micah look at her. Since they ddint spend lunch together.
"The fuck you said?" He asked gripping the steering wheel
"I know your not deaf" she retorted back mugging her
"Mhmm" he hummed.
"Yoh guys, are we even going out today?" Henry asked

"Ask our driver here" hailey said
"I forgot where we are going" micah said
"We are going to the mini gold course" henry reminded him
"Can you put in the gps" micah said to hailey
"Say please" she said
"Forget it, henry please put it" he said and henry did just that
"Wow" hailey said now looking outside the window

Henry had out a little bit of music, easing the tenison and micah put his hand on haileys thigh. Hailey then looked down at his hands and blushed but never showed it.

Upon arriving at the gold course, the couple was walking apart from each other. Henry being in between them
"Yall are weird, its exhausting" henry groaned as he was paying for the entrance.
"Someome is just moody thats all" hailey said grabbing the pink club.

"Mhm" he hummed.

20 minutes later

Micah and henry were now sitting down on  bench, side by side whilst hailey was playing golf.
"I need money fast" micah said causing henry to arch his eye brow
"For the  hellacat?" Henry asked
"Yup, i just need 50k more so that i buy it fully and i can design it however i want it" he said

"Nigga you already have money in your bank account" henry said chuckling
"Yeah but if i make a purchase that big you know Lubanzi will cut me off" micah said.
"Sometimes i think he hates you" henry said causing micah to chuckle
"But it hurts me how he hates hailey" micah said on a serious note. That was the reason he was moody today.

"Why does he hates her?" Henry asked
"Something along the lines that she is a distraction for me and how eventually i will have to let her go" micah said. Everytime he thought about the future he would always get hurt but would never verbally admit it, but henry knew.

"I thought this year no guns and stuff" henry whispered.
"Yeah but he says im no more training because im hanging out with hailey too much" micah whispered back.
"Can we talk about the 50k now, this topic i need it when im smoking a blunt" micah said.

"Just smoke right now" henry said
"Who's smoking" hailey asked turning her head back and eyed the 2 men. She hated smoking with a passion.
"Nothing baby" micah dismmised her.
"Oh now im baby" she asked walking to him and then she stood in between his legs
"You have always been my baby" micah said slapping her ass
"KEEP IT PG 13, PLEASE I AM YOUR CHILD" henry said shrieking in fear
"Ukhuluma too much for me" hailey said flicking off henry
"Well my mother is a chatterbox" he spat back and hailey gave him the middle finger and went back to golf.

HOLD-blxckieDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora