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I walked through the streets of the city I love . Hoping I could find someone alive or surviving .

All I could ever see what is dead bodies and burnt corpses. Did an Earthquake happened? If it did , it was so strong that It killed the whole city .
Am I lucky to survive this? I don't remember what happened. I just woke up to this .

No sign of a life , It seems that I'm actually the only survivor of whatever happened.
How I was able to survive whilst my family, my cat, and everyone who is close to me disappeared?

Is this actually a dream ? I want to wake up so bad .

It's so horrifying to live in this .

I started crying calling for help but there's no answer .

I kept walking and screaming my mother's name "Cary" , she's my dearest person.

She took care of me when my dad died, I have lived happy days with her , I can't comprehend how she's gone, and I'm alone.

Why is this happening? Why didn't I die with everyone?

Is this a coincidence? Or a torture ?

Whatever is this, I want it to end . Cause I can't handle all of this. I'm still young.

I'm so terrified I can't keep living like this , i want to end this . I can't hold it anymore.

If life disappeared from the whole planet and it's only me here , then what's the point of living here now ?

It's useless. And I can end this pain fast .

But should I?

I kept walking around searching for anyone, anything.

The curiosity is killing me . I want to know what happened.
I'm not usually a heavy sleeper , how could I not sense an apocalypse happening?

There's something not right with this .

Will I find out the true story behind all of this?

The whole city is gone, and no one is here

I started sobbing to this shocking reality.

It's definitely not a dream , and I'm destined to live it .

The view is so horrible, how did all of this happen?

I kept looking around, and I was so confused. No answers . No lives . No buildings are still standing.

I suddenly blinked an orange beam coming between the debris . I followed it . And then I noticed a huge body , seemed like a planet , or a ship , or an asteroid. I don't know. I lost my ability to describe things of how huge this thing is.

Could it be the reason the life is wiped out of Earth ? I have feelings that I can find answers there .

I'm not sure what to do , but I won't end my life by myself. That's what I promised myself before .

My new life starts here , and a journey just begun.

I'm going there to find out what happened and who is still alive after this apocalypse.

This journey will be very hard , terrific, and full of danger and challenges.

But I was always strong , and I believe that I can do this .

I went back to my destroyed home to back my bag and get my stuff ready.
I'm going on a mission, I might not come back, but I have no other choice unless I want to stay here, which I definitely don't want to ......

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