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29th November 2199. That was the date when everything started or finished .... ? , depending on how you looked at it.

It began as an ordinary day, the kind where the sun rose gently over the horizon, painting the sky in hues of pink and orange. Birds sang their morning melodies, and the streets below buzzed with the rhythm of life.

But then, in the blink of an eye, everything changed.

The Earth, once a vibrant and thriving home for all living beings, is now a desolate wasteland. What had once been lush forests and sprawling cities now lay in ruins, reduced to nothing but debris and dust.

The creatures that once roamed the land and swam in the seas are now vanished, leaving behind a haunting silence that echoed through the barren landscape.

No one knew what had caused the cataclysmic event. Was it an alien invasion or a nuclear war? The truth remained shrouded in mystery, buried beneath layers of destruction and despair.

As I wandered through the empty streets, my footsteps echoing against the crumbling buildings, I couldn't help but wonder if I was truly alone. Was there anyone else left on Earth, or was I the last remaining survivor of a once-proud civilization?

My name is Elara , and as I gazed out at the desolate landscape stretching before me, I couldn't shake the feeling that I was indeed the sole inhabitant of a world that had been lost to time.

What would I do ? Would I survive alone in this empty planet with the unknown? Would I ever find out what actually happened and cure my severe confusion about the reality of life ?

I don't know what to do . But I'm still here alive , breathing. Waiting for my death.

The views of dead bodies and blood everywhere was so horrifying.
I wasn't ready to witness all of this .

Would I witness something more horrible in the next days ?

Would I lose my voice because of screaming and crying?

Would I stay alive and not get a heart attack?

So many questions, yet no answers !

Only silence .........

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