"Breathe, " I mutter to myself. Breathe in counting four, breathe out, six. Repeat five times. I will not pass out on this creature who is trying to turn me inside-out via cock. He had become very still as I centered and relaxed. He made the oddest snuffling noise at the back of his throat. His lips were half opened to let his panting breathe. His eyes met mine and he nods, urging me silently on.

I gasped out a soft "oh. " It was just the thing, an action without thinking that changed the whole game. I discovered if I clenched up around him with little muscle power I had around his twitching cock, he would grunt in pleasure. I pushed my weight a bit harder onto him, moving up and down on the inches of cock that were not embedded, pulling more groaning sounds and growling out from his chest. He tosses his head back. I was relieved to see a glimmer of humanity. The abandonment that came in the name of sex.

A monster, I was so desperate to see more humanlike qualities in. My imagination has already ran the gauntlet with tonight. He could easily rip me apart if he got any rougher.

"Fuck Amon." I whimper as his cock seem to continue despite my better judgement. Tears prick at the corners of my eyes. The urge to weep wells up in my chest at his relentless invasion. A whimper escapes and I freeze as his pelvis pushes up hard into my sensitive, taut lower lips.

"So tight." The breathy growl accompanied him bucking up suddenly, forcing an unearthly scream from my lungs.

"Fuck," I yelled at him through a hoarse voice. My chest rising and falling. My breathing labored. His body coiled and rolled like wave underneath, reminding me that despite his gentleness in our strange connection, he was not human and could not understand what it was that his invasions did to me. I clung to his chest, my nails digging in for safety not that he noticed.

His breathing increased with mine and his arm tightens around me, to an uncomfortable pressure.

"Move faster, little one." his voice, raspy, reached me as I squeezed my eyes shut. His cock felt harder as if becoming an impossible length of stone that he pushed in me to a rhythm. I thought - no - I know I'm going to tear if I take anymore. It was too big for me. It is like trying to fit a banana into a pencil sharpener. Impossible!

The next thought vanished as his body tightened like a vice underneath me as he kept pushing his body against me in a steady roll of waves and kept pushing his cock in, pressing my hips down to meld our bodies together into slow grind.

"Good Female. Relax," his gravelly words float around me, warm air skimming across the nape of my neck and the tendrils slipped in between my braids. I finally let my hands roam.

My slow exploration has him pausing, his hand that cradles my waist move slightly upwards in tiny strokes. For the briefest moment he felt like the man who came across as a woman for the first time. Except for the claws and shadow monster attached. This is so wrong, so bad and I should not want anything to do with him. Yet his attentive movements, and careful touch felt better than any sex I've had in ages. I roll my hips, searching for more of that sensation. He seems a little unsure, but his dick didn't give a flying shit. It jerked inside me like it had a will of its own.

"Yes." He hissed the word when I look him in the eyes. The deep reds seem to glow in his pleasure. "That's it, Ava. Take every bit of my cock. Beg me to breed your womb."

He dug his clawed fingers into my soft belly, but his claw failed to mar the skin. They flexed, testing my tolerance of pain as he stretched and touched along the small paunch I acquired. The exploring digits seemed content when a groan left my mouth, my breath still in my chest from the sensation of his probing hands.

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