008-friends forever

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008-friends forever

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008-friends forever

Four months have gone by since Carl and Chuck went to jail, Ian went to a hospital for bipolar because he ran with my nephew Mickey went to jail for something I don't even know the name of,

"Debbie what do you wanna do for the last day of summer" I ask the hair girl whose head is lying down on my stomach "don't know" she says looking up at me and making me smile,

"So what you gonna do with this little one," I say pointing to her stomach and watching her face drop,

"I don't know we can't get the morning-after pill, because we're not eighteen or they're not in stock," Debbie says slowly sitting up frowning and making me frown as tears build up in her eyes,

"Hey it's alright, you gonna be an amazing mum" I whisper into her head while frowning as she sobs into my shirt I have never really seen Debbie like this before,

"You think? What if I end like Monica or Frank" she whispers her voice hurt

"You won't I'll make sure you won't because I'm gonna help you" I replied smiling,

"Really? You would do that?" Debbie replied into my shoulder making me nod,

"Yeah I wanna help my best friend in the best way I can" I whispered

"Friends forever?" Debbie says her voice groggy from crying, her pinky is out of mine connecting to hers smiling, "Forever"

"Hello?" A voice shouts making me snap my head up at the noise, this must be a dream, right? He doesn't come back till three months? I slowly climb out of bed carefully not to disturb the red hair girl who's snoring softly,

I slowly walk down the stairs smiling as I see Fiona hugging a boy with some braids the smile doesn't go from my face as I step down the last step smiling "Don't I get a hug?" I said tilting my head and smiling as the boy spun around, he changed, his hair was in braids his face was more structured than before, what had they done with the little Carl I knew?

I smile as I warp my arms around his neck since he somehow got taller, he goes to my waist also smiling as we embrace each other "Come on Liam let's leave them" Fiona says her voice calm as she picks up the boy before walking away,

"How.." is all I could say as we pull away from the hug smile stuck on my face that will not be leaving soon, "I've been good so I got let out early" his voice calm but higher, almost too calm,

"You good? Never in a million years" I say chuckling

"I can be good you know, girl" Carl replied

"Bet you can, I've known you since we were 10 and you've never been good," I say smiling watching his face drop before smiling again,

"Be honest with me alright madi?" He says Almost in a whisper making me nod,

"Have you eaten?" He says my face feels numb at the words a frown comes on my face,

"I have why do you think that," I say quietly,

"You seem skinner than a few months ago, I can see your legs there thin like a ruler," he says making me look down and seeing my legs knee caps threatening to break through my skin,

"I'm alright I promise, I'm just naturally skinny," I say pulling an awkward smile,

"Right," he says biting the inside of his cheek,

I smile as I walk up the stairs away from him, I walk to Debbie's room seeing the girl still asleep, sending a smile to my face as I grab a pack of cigarettes from my jacket pocket frowning as a razor blade drops out making my face go pale as I pick it up slowly running my finger over the small metal sending a shiver up my spine,

"What... you doing made?" Debbie whispered her voice groggy from being half asleep,

"Nothing go back to sleep" I whisper as I quickly put the blade into my pants pocket frowning at the floor before standing up and walking out,

"Hey sweet where you going," Fiona says smiling

"Out for a cig," I say holding up the box and lighter that is in my hand,

"Alright but Kev and v are coming around soon" Fiona replied her voice happy, I feel a pair of eyes on me making me frown as I look at the sofa where a boy sits frowning,

A lone cigarette slowly burns down as the fire from the lighter burns it sending smoke up into my face sending a smile on my face, I bring the cigarette up to my lip and inhale it, letting the smoke burn my lungs,

"Hey, Madi what you doing out here," v says as she walks up kev next to her smiling and making me frown "Cigarette," I say quietly while holding up the cigarette that's in my hand and watching them look at each other before nodding and walking pass me,

"You go in be in a second" v whispers making Kev nod and walk into the house before v sits next to me warping her arm around me and rubbing my shoulder,

"If you're staving yourself for a boy don't," v says making me snap my head up at her,

"Why ever guy wants a skinny ass girl," I asked tilting my head voice full of confusion,

"Madi, listen boy and the things you should worry about" v says making me look down,

"What if I don't find someone " I whisper eyes filling with tears as I bring the cigarette to my lip and inhale it letting the smoke attack my king for the 5th time that night,

"You can still be amazing when you're single, but think about it, a boy wouldn't be here without us so you have power use it," v says shrugging her shoulders and making me nod and frown,

"Now let's go we have someone to welcome," v says standing up and brushing herself down making me nod and stand up and step on the cigarette but frowning,

"Welcome back!" Everyone shouts making me smile at the boy who's sat on the couch looking into outer space, "thanks?" He says as Fiona places a cake in front of him only getting a nod from Carl,

"My friend is coming over, can he stay?" Carl asks as he stands up and walks to the door revealing a guy with a bag looking down, "umm sure more the merrier" Fiona says voice filled with happiness,

"Great let's go, thanks for the party," Carl says as he walks up the stairs the guy following him makes everyone follow him with their eyes,

"What the hell?" I mouth to him watching him shrug his shoulders before disappearing up the stairs leaving us all confused about what happened,


𝐜𝐢𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞 𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦|| 𝐜.𝐠 Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя