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"Here," Debbie says as she hands us some ice cream making me smile and take a lick before another one making my brain hurt, "thank you"

"Aww look it's Debbie and her little friend Madison," a voice says as we all look up seeing Holly and her friends walking toward us making me groan here we go again,

"You Milkovich are such trouble surprised you haven't been to jail yet," she says making me look down the Milkovich as a reputation for going to jail,

"Surprised you haven't had plastic surgery done yet" I say watching her face drop making me smile and finish my ice cream smiling as I look back to her watching her talk to her friends,

"I heard she cut herself," a girl's voice says a bit too loudly making me look down how did they know I hadn't told anyone,

"Hey Holly can I talk to you" I say as I walk up to her smiling and watching her frown and whisper something to her little minions before turning to me smiling, "What is it"

"It not funny to joke about someone self-harm," I say watching her chuckle and grab my arm making me frown here we go again like my last school, I try moving my arm from her grip as she pulls off my bracelets and dropping them to the floor watching everyone gasp,

My black dress is flowing in the wind as I walk fast away from everyone holding a cigarette and a bottle of vodka I got well stole from the Shop, my boots hitting the pavement while smoking a cigarette and a full bottle of vodka everyone dreams,

I'm sitting on a rooftop empty bottle of vodka next to my boots and three cigarettes on the other side of my boots the sky has become a dark blue with little stars sparkling everywhere making me frown knowing I'll never be a star in Hollywood,

The water looks nice as I walk along the canal smiling as little drops of rainfall into the water making ripples everywhere,

My hair feels heavy as I walk kicking things that are on the floor another bottle of vodka in my hand opened and a cigarette box in my other hand and some in my bag making me smile,

"Come in you gonna get a cold," a woman's voice says making me nod and follow her into her house smiling as she shuts the door and walks into the living room I think,

"Who there" a voice shouts making me look around seeing a man on the couch drinking some beer or something with some cakes next to him a young girl with blonde hair is sitting at the table frowning as she writes,

"Here sweet take a seat" the lady says handing me a cup of something making me smile and nod thanking her and taking a sip of the drink feeling the hotness touch my lips,

"Madi you here," a boy's voice says making me look up at the door seeing a boy looking at me making me frown "Hello Chuck"

"I'm a woman" a voice shouts making me stop in my tracks seeing a red hair girl on a porch drinking some orange juice, "we know" I shout watching her smile,

"I was at Shelia," I say watching as a boy comes down the stairs making my mouth drop and look at Debbie who's smiling and nodding "Lucky" I mouth to her watching her smile,

"Umm see you Debbie and your sister" the boy says making me smile "Madison" I say watching him nod and spin around walking out into the backyard and walking off making me frown,

"Wake up asshole" I shout as I pick Liam up smiling as we walk out of the boy's room hearing them Groan a smile is on my face, "wanna go get some breakfast buddy" I whisper as I walk down the stairs seeing Debbie eating some cereal,

"So where were you all last night" Ian ask as he drinks some coffee making me frown and run my fingers through my hair "got shit faced drunk and yeah," I say watching him nod and going back to reading an old newspaper that was somewhat on the side,

"It's 11 in the morning and you're smoking?" A voice says making me smile as I blow the smoke from my mouth into the air watching as the air takes it away "I need this ok?" I say as I inhale the cigarette letting it burn my lung before I blow it out and drop it to the ground stepping on it letting the cigarette smoke as I remove my boot,

"Mandy?" I shout as I walk into the house seeing Ian holding a kitchen knife up to Mandy's boyfriend's throat making me frown "What the hell is happening" I shout as I walk over to Mandy a small cut on her lip making me frown my older sister getting hurt why can't I be the one getting hurt not her please not her,

"Madison your back" a man's voice says as I look up seeing a man walking toward me smiling is he on drugs? Or something he's never this nice "Hello Dad" I say as I watch him sit down on the sofa next to a boy who's looking at me like I'm some sort of meat and he's a lion,

"Madi thank god you're here I missed you," a voice says as I get pulled into a hug by some guy who has greasy black hair and a ripped shirt "Hello Mickey," I say as I hug him tightly not wanting to let him go I feel someone else join our hug making me smile as I warp my arms around her pulling her into us,

"Stop Hugging it for wimps, Milkovich aren't wimps" my dad shouts making us frown and pull away from each other,

Cold I feel cold as I toss and turn in my bed frowning why can't I sleep I always fall asleep i fell asleep at Debbie's why can't I fall asleep here,

I stand up my stocks touching the door as I walk to my door slowly opening it and walking out to a door and opening it seeing Mandy asleep peacefully making me smile as I shut the door and walk over to her,

"What you doing madi" she whispers as she turns around to me making me frown this is childish but I don't care, "can I sleep in here I can't sleep" I whisper watching her nod and pull the covers so I can get underneath making me smile as I climb over her and clawing into the bed,

"Shhh go to sleep Mandy is here nobody will touch you" she whispers as she moves some hair out of my face making me smile and close my eyes listening to her whisper little things,

"Holly showed everyone my arm" I whisper as I keep my eyes closed hearing her stop whispering making me frown, "it's alright I'll sort her out it's not your fault" she whispers making me nod and frown as Mandy pulls my into a hug since I was facing her,

"I'm sorry" I whisper as my eyes water

"No need to be sorry madi now let's head to sleep and we can sort Holly out tomorrow" she whispers making me nod and close my eyes hoping to fall asleep again since I don't wanna stay up anymore,

"Goodnight Mandy" I whisper hearing her hum and little bit making me smile "Good night Madi" she whispers making me smile and think about something hopefully I can fall asleep,


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