005-nigh swim

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005-night swim

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005-night swim

"Debbie tell your brothers we're having a party" Fiona shouts as she types something on her phone smiling before walking up the stairs probably to get changed,

"You getting in Madi?" Debbie ask before getting dunked by Carl who's smiling "come on in and join us" Carl say before he gets pushed into the water by a red hair girl who's smiling,

"Hey what the hell" I shout as someone throws some water at me making me frown and look at my shirt seeing a wet marks from the water "look like you should get in then" Fiona says as she gets water to the face frowning,

"It's cold" I say as I step in letting the water go to my waist making my short stick to me "the more you move around the lest cold it will be" Fiona says as she takes a sip off some beer

"I'm gonna go put Liam to sleep" Fiona says as she climbs out making everyone nod and hum before more water gets splashed around wetting the grass, "I'm gonna get out aswell it's cold" Debbie says as she climbs up and jumps out falling as she dose

"Stop laughing idiot" I say as Debbie walks up the stairs frowning as she turns around smiling before walking in "so it just us" I say as I light a cigarette and inhaling it making the boy on the other side nod,

"So" I say as I hand him to cigarette since he moved next to me giving both of us comfort since people keeps walking past and looking at us "so"

"Doc said my leg is better" he says as I inhale the cigarette and nodding before blowing it out and handing it back to me,

"I'm gonna go get out Debbie probably will be looking for me" I say as I put the cigarette but into the water before taking it out smiling as I make my way to the ladder,

"See you tomorrow I guess" he says making me nod and climb out frowning as the coldness warps around me like a blanket my clothes are stuck to me like a second skin,

"Good morning" I say as I walk down to stairs yawning "good morning take a seat is Carl or Debbie up yet?" Fiona says making Madison look at her before running back up the stairs getting a laugh from Fiona,

"Wake up Debbie" I whisper as I touch for forehead making her whine "go away madi she whispers turning around making me frown that normally wakes her up, "fine" i say's smiling as I pull the covers of her making her whine "why it's the summer holiday" she whispers yawning "Fiona said wake up now go wake Carl up" I say getting a small yes making me smile as she stands up yawning,

"I'm gonna get dress can you wake him" she says making me frown "why I'm not going in there" i says rubbing my face with me hands frowning "do it and I'll pay you" Debbie says making me pout "put the pout away" the red hair girl says making me smile

"Wake up Carl" i says as I tap his forehead getting a groan back as he turns around to the wall making me frown this boy is gonna be hard to wake up "get up Carl please" I whispers "no" he whispers making me smile "why not" I whisper smiling as he finally turns around facing me smiling, "I'll only get up if you.." he whispers before stopping making me frown,

"If you?" I whispers looking at him his face is pale not like sickly pale just pale with some tan mixing with it his eyes are like emerald there staring into my blue one sending a pit of guilt to my stomach, I stay still "nothing it's stupid I'll get up" he whispers as he looks away and climb out of his bed making me frown what was he gonna say?

"Good morning sleepy head Cereal is out ready" Fiona says as she give a cup of something to Liam making Carl nod and walk to the table keeping his head down when he pass me making me frown "Is he alright your both normal bickering about something" Fiona says making me and Carl snap our head up frowning "just woken up on the wiring side of bed" Carl says as he eats some cereal making me nod before Debbie comes down in a black dress looking older then she should, that was my black dress i gave to her making me smile,

"Where are you going" Fiona ask chuckling after "out I'll see you later" Debbie says as she walks away to the door and stepping out making everyone eyes land on me, "what?" I says knowing they want to know what happened "oh nothing.. shut I got work madi I know it hard to ask but can you watch Liam for me please?" Fiona says as she puts her hair up into a ponytail making me nod and smile,

"I'll happily look after him any day" i say as I poke the children making him laugh sending a smile onto my face, "thank you so much I gotta go see you" Fiona shout as she runs out making me nod,

"Guess it just use three today" i says as I pick up you child smiling "guess it is" Carl says as he puts his bowl into the sink, "clean it" i say pointing to the sink where a single bowl sits "no your not the boss" Carl says acting like a child making me frown, "Liam come on let show him how to clean" I say as I put the child down and walking to the sink,

"Look you get the bowl and put some water into it" I say showing him "hey eyes over here and watch the washer is alright" i say making the boy snap his head around to me frowning, "then you scrub till you can see your face" I say showing him the bowl "right I didn't ask for your help" Carl says as he smiles at Liam "go tidy everything up give Fiona a break" I say as I put the bowl onto the drying rack "alright mum" Carl whispers as he grabs the stuff of the table making me smile,

"Good now clean them and your free to do what you want" I say as I put some stuff into a basket they had on the washer making the boy groan "why do I have to?" He says making me frown "you didn't think your summer was gonna be doing nothing?" I say getting a nod "well this is life not a movie" I say still wondering what happened before,


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