Chapter 12 - Revealing Secrets IV

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"Please note that all the images included in this story belong to their respective artists, and I do not claim ownership of them. I am simply using these images to visually represent my imagined interpretation of the scenes described in the story. Thank you for your understanding. Now, let's dive into the tale."

"I've known Aurora since the day she was born," Stella continued, her voice soft yet resolute. "The fairy godmother entrusted me with the task of watching over a child, a duty I initially resisted. I preferred the comfort of the fairy realm, but duty called, and I reluctantly agreed to fulfil my responsibility."

Her eyes met mine, holding a depth of understanding and affection. "At first, I remained hidden, observing Aurora from afar," she admitted. "But one day, overwhelmed by frustration, I attempted to return to the fairy realm, refusing to care for a human child. However, on my journey back, I was attacked by beings from another realm. Though I emerged victorious, I was left bruised and drained of energy."

A pang of emotion stirred within me as Stella continued, recounting a moment I had long forgotten. "Unable to return to the fairy realm, I found solace in Aurora's presence," she revealed, her voice softening with emotion. "Despite my attempts to conceal myself, Aurora always found me, her determination unwavering."

My heart swelled with emotion as Stella's words washed over me. "On that day, as I lay injured, Aurora approached me," she continued, her eyes glistening with tears. "Unknowingly, she healed me with her small hands, her innocence and kindness shining through."

Tears welled in my eyes as I listened, overwhelmed by the depth of Stella's sacrifice and the bond that had formed between us. "It was then," Stella concluded, her voice filled with determination, "that I made a pact with Aurora. I vowed to never leave her side, to protect her always, no matter the cost."

As Stella spoke, gratitude flooded my heart, mingling with a sense of wonder at the depth of love surrounding me. How had I been blessed with such caring and kind-hearted individuals in my life?

Stella's narrative continued each word resonating with a steadfast commitment to my well-being. "I always stayed close to her," she recounted. "But on the day of Aurora's kidnapping, I received a summons from the fairy godmother for an urgent meeting. Reluctantly, I left for the fairy realm."

Her voice softened with remorse as she continued, "Upon my return, I encountered Aurora in the woods, her presence illuminated by the ominous aura emanating from a rabbit nearby. Without hesitation, I recognized the danger threatening Aurora once more."

"Drawing upon all my strength, I unleashed my power, enveloping the surroundings in blinding light. In that moment of chaos, I whisked Aurora away to the safety of the fairy realm, as I knew that the fairy realm was the safest place for Aurora," she concluded, her voice filled with conviction and resolve.

"I always stayed by your side, Aurora," Stella confessed, her voice tinged with a hint of sadness. "But when they suppressed your powers and erased your memories of supernatural beings to protect you, I had to take the form of an animal to remain close to you. When you were in the city, I stayed near you as the black cat."

Her revelation struck me like a bolt of lightning, and realization washed over me. That beautiful black cat from the park had been Stella all along. She had been the one to protect me from that accident, to watch over me in my darkest moments.

Overwhelmed with gratitude, I turned to Stella, my eyes brimming with tears. "I can never repay you, Stella," I whispered, my voice choked with emotion. "The things you have done for me... I am so grateful that I have no words to express my gratitude to you."

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