~ Chapter 44 ~

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-  Lilith -

I woke up happy, for once. Cedric and I were going on a date. Again. 

What if he did the same shit that he did before? What if I agreed to this, and he was just doing it as a joke, to impress his dumb-ass friends. What if he actually did change? What if this wasn't a mistake? I sighed, trying to clear my thoughts. I shouldn't worry about this. I already agreed, and it would be rude to cancel our plans. One date wouldn't be the end of the world. It would be a waste of my day, but it could be fun. 

My heart hammered in my chest as I walked to the cafe we had met at the day before. He was already waiting for me, a bouquet of flowers clutched in his hand. I smiled, taking the flowers in my hands.

"Hey Lilith." Cedric grinned. "How are you?"

"Hi. I'm good, you?" We exchanged pleasantries, before walking into the cafe. Candle-light bathed the small room in a warm glow, with tables dotted around. The cafe was empty, but a fireplace still roared, and the sweet smell of baked goods drifted from the kitchen. An elderly woman stood at the counter tucked into a corner, laughing with a man in a portrait. Her white hair was pulled into a bun, an apron tied at her waist, with  bright green eyes that lit up her pale face.

 After getting our food, we sat at a table. Conversations seemed to flow naturally between us, but nothing important was discussed. A laugh erupted from my mouth, making Cedric chuckle, but silence enveloped us. Our eyes met, and we simply stared at each other. I felt the awkwardness, but neither of us addressed it. 

"Why did you do it?" I whispered. Cedric seemed startled, before realizing what I meant.

"Lilith..." Sorrow filled his gaze, and I looked at my coffee, not wanting to meet his eyes. "I-I was just so angry...I don't know why. I needed to release it. I don't know why I thought it was a good idea." He murmured. 

"Oh." I met his gaze, but couldn't muster the smile that he wanted. I watched him in silence, while he sipped his coffee, not willing to say he was sorry, not willing to even talk to me. 

The door opened again, and our eyes turned to see who had walked in. A group of what seemed to be eight people swarmed in, their laughter and chatter quickly filling the dark room. Cedric sighed, but managed to finally speak.

"I know what I did was wrong. I know that you probably shouldn't trust me with even going on a date with you. But I need you to believe me. I did change. I won't do the shit I did before. I swear on my life." He gave me a sad smile. "Please give me a chance. Just one chance." 

"I'll try." I glanced down at my empty coffee mug, not wanting to see his face. Laughs bubbled from a table, where the large group sat. They chattered like birds, but their voices were loud, unlike Cedric and I, quiet in the corner of the cafe. 

"Why don't we go?" He asked suddenly. "I know some places around the village where we can walk. Or we can go shopping. Or we can go back to Hogwarts..." He trailed off, looking at me expectantly, waiting for me to decide.

"We can walk, if you want. I haven't been out of Hogsmeade in a while." I offered. His smile returned again, and we began our stroll out of the small town. 

Many people waved at Cedric,  many even stopping to greet him.  He spoke to them, before continuing on our walk. No one ever stopped Riddle if we were walking. Everyone was too scared of him. But I shouldn't compare them, not when I knew who would win.

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I wrapped my arms around Cedric, my face pressed against his chest. "Bye, Lilith." He murmured, hugging me back. "Want to meet tomorrow? Or Sunday?" 

"I need to find a dress for the ball on Sunday. We can meet tomorrow, though." I told him, releasing Cedric from my embrace. He nodded swiftly, before dashing out of the hallway. Students weren't allowed into common rooms of a house they didn't belong to, unless there was a party, but even then the teachers were strict as fuck. 

I grinned, opening my door and collapsing on my bed. It was past ten in the night, and Cedric and I had spent the entire day together. I exhaled, the sigh filling the room. How could I be happy with Cedric when I still felt something for Riddle? How could I even feel something for that man? I stared at the door, as if I could force Riddle to walk in. 

"Open up!" A voice sounded behind the door I was staring at, accompanied by hurried knocks. I rose, moving to open the door. I revealed Pansy, tears streaming down her face.

"What happened?" I asked, gesturing for her to come in.

"I was seeing someone and Layla," she took a breath, tears still gleaming on her face as she blubbered. "She fucked him!"

I stared at her for a moment. What the fuck was she expecting, being friends with Layla? "It's going to be fine, Pansy." I murmured, wrapping my arms around her to comfort her. "If he was willing to cheat on you, he wasn't worth it."

"But what if I did something? What if-"

"Don't blame yourself. It was their fault." I told her, pulling back to look into her eyes. "You're too good for them."

She sniffled, giving me a sad smile. Our eyes locked, and silence filled the small room. Her eyes were red, her clothes disheveled and make up stained on her pale face.

"I'd better go." Pansy whispered, rising shakily.

"No. I'll clean your makeup and everything. Stay." I stood with her, gently grabbing her arm.

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Hi! I updated, if you couldn't tell. It's been only 8 days! I just finished Iron Flame by Rebecca Yarros, and you guys should read it. The first book is called Fourth Wing, and it is so fucking good!! I had a mental breakdown when the second book ended. Do you guys have any book recommendations??

Love ya!


This chapter has not been proof read.

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