~Chapter 39~

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Please read the authors note at the end, because I have something really important I need to tell all of you!

-Theodore Nott-

I combed my hand through my hair, sneaking back to the room that I shared with Enzo. As I rushed through the hallway, I noticed another man leaving one of the dorms. We glanced at each other, but neither of us stopped. Both of us were trying to get to our destinations as quickly as possible. I slowly opened the door to my dorm, letting the sound of Enzo's snoring echo around the room.

I ripped off my clothes, getting in bed wearing just my boxers. Climbing into bed, my brain spun with different thoughts.

"Who was it?" Enzo's voice startled me, pulling my back to reality.

" What do you mean?" I answered, knowing exactly what he was asking.

"Who did you fuck?" Enzo elaborated. "Was she good?"

"I didn't fuck anyone. I went to the library for a book." I responded.

"Come on, Door! I won't tell anyone. Was it Lilith?"

"No. I didn't fuck anyone, I swear." I groaned.

"Sure you didn't." Enzo muttered, seeming angry.

I sighed, not wanting to argue. As Enzo drifted back to sleep, I stared at the ceiling, suddenly not tired at all.

- Lilith -

I glanced around the classroom, searching for Mattheo. I had seen him this morning, so he hadn't slept in. Sleeping seemed like a task that was too human for him, let alone sleeping in. I couldn't imagine that Mattheo was unintentionally late. Maybe he was on a mission for his father. I guess none of the teachers would dare fail him in any of his classes. One of the perks of being the son of the Dark Lord. The rest of us had to actually show up and get good grades. I ran my hand through my hair, listening to Snape lecturing us about how bad we did in our last test. I sighed, thinking of all the things that I could be doing instead of sitting in a cold classroom.

The sharp sound of the door being slammed shook me out of my daydream, making me look  over my shoulder. Mattheo made his way to the desks, not seeming to care if he annoyed anyone. Snape's intimidating gaze followed him to Mattheo's seat, along with the stares of the rest of the class. 

He took the seat next to me, dumping his stuff onto his the desk. I glanced at him, only to find him staring at Snape. I sighed softly, but continued taking notes. Maybe I should apologize. Maybe I should tell him that I was wrong and that I didn't blame his for kissing Daphne so many times. My mind was racing, searching for what to say to satisfy his anger. Suddenly, a voice creeped its way into my mind.

"Meeting in the Forbidden Forest at midnight, don't be late." Mattheo's voice echoed in my head. I turned my head to face him, but he wasn't looking at me. He was paying an odd amount of attention to Snape, who I had tuned out ten minutes ago. A meeting? Why? Were we going on a mission? Would other people be there? I turned my head to the door, hoping that the bell would ring. 


I opened my dorm's door, looking up and down the hallway in case anyone was outside. I doubted that any students would actually report me for being up so late, but I didn't trust them. The halls seemed to call for me as I creeped down the stairs, wincing at every creak and crack. The wind blew into the school from an open window, making the chandeliers sway. I glanced at the many teachers that patrolled the hallways, but none of them seemed to be entirely awake. As I stepped outside, the fresh air greeted my footsteps, only to be swept back into the school by the harsh breeze. 

"Why couldn't Mattheo just set up a meeting in his dorm? Then we wouldn't be at risk from being caught by any teachers." I mumbled under my breath. The branches crackled under my feet, but I didn't fear any of the wild creatures and roamed in the woods. My magic could easily send them away. 

Voices startled me from my thoughts as I neared a clearing, making me more alert. I walked into the clearing, surprised to hear Enzo and Theodore laughing with Draco. Mattheo was standing away from them, lost in thought about something. I made my way to Enzo, who wrapped me in a welcoming hug. Theodore simple smiled at me, before letting out a loud yawn.

"You're late." Mattheo told me, appearing next to Draco. I glared at him, not bothering to apologize. 

"Damn, you guys hate each other again?" Enzo groaned, before handing a sack of gold to Theodore.

"Did you bet on us?" I hissed, noticing Theodore smirk at the gold in his hands.

"Yup." This time, Theodore answered me. "We also made a bet on the party tomorrow night. There isn't a meeting then, so we get to see if you guys hookup!"

I hate bets. I always loose them.  "Why are we here?" I asked, turning back to Mattheo.

"My father has a mission for us. Just getting into an Order of the Phoenix meeting. Should be pretty easy because of Lilith. I think we need to ambush one of the Weaslys, but we get to choose which one." Mattheo explained. 

"Sirius won't let me be in a meeting, Mattheo. Not after I had to join you guys." I told him, hearing the rest of the boys sigh.

"Then we'll just put some makeup on top of your Dark Mark and pretend that my father let you out." He shrugged, pulling out his wand to create some light. "We'll have to take the Weasly back to Malfoy Manor for an interrogation." 

We all nodded, before leaving the forest, all of us in different directions. Enzo and Theodore went North, Mattheo went South and Draco and I went East. Mattheo had to burn down a town or something, so he would come back to the school later. I went with Draco, so we could pretend that we had hooked-up in the woods, and Enzo and Theodore went together so they could pretend that they had went to a bar and gotten drinks. 

We snuck through the forest, tired and hungry. We had to skip dinner for another stupid meeting, which had turned out to be just a lecture from the Dark Lord about loyalty to his cause. 

At least now I would get to sleep a little.

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Hey guys! I'm so glad that I finally updated! I know that it's been two months, but I promise that I'll start updating more regularly soon. Maybe every weekend? Anyway, thank you guys for almost 50k reads! That's halfway to 100k!

I have a lot of exams coming up, but they're all pretty easy. I hope I can update soon again!

I also have something that I need to tell all of you. I'm thinking of un-publishing this story. I know, it's really big, but hear me out. I haven't been updating at all, so if I just un-publish it and finish it and then publish it, You guys won't have to wait for so long between chapters! what do you guys think? If you thinks it's a bad idea, just comment and tell me, and then I won't. 

Love ya!


This chapter has not been proof read. (yet)

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