~Chapter 27~

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This chapter is dedicated to @doglover012408 as well. It just won't let me dedicate this to two people. They followed me recently! Enjoy the chapter!


I glared at Riddle, but he just smirked and continued to talk to Draco. They didn't talk about anything important, just some random shit.

"Lilith!" I heard Potter called me.

"What the fuck do you want?" I snapped.

"I was just wondering how Sirius is." Potter said.

"Sirius is doing fine." I told him through gritted teeth. "Why are you asking?"

"He hasn't answered my letters since last month." He informed me. I shrugged in response.

"Too bad. Doesn't really affect me, though." I muttered, before going back to talking with my friends.

"What do you mean, it does affect you! He's your fucking father!" Potter was close to yelling.

"I know. I think that I know who my father is, thanks. But he doesn't act like it, so he's as close to a stranger as all your Gryffindor friends." I snapped, before striking up a conversation with Mattheo. He wasn't my first choice to talk to, but I wanted to show Potter that I really didn't care about him and his friends.

"You good?" Daphne whispered to me. I gave her a soft nod. Mattheo smirked, before beginning to tell me about a specific type of poison and if I knew how to find it. I told him that I would look into it, knowing that the Dark Lord wanted it.

As dinner wrapped up, I managed to leave the Great Hall before any of my friends. I didn't really want to talk to people for now. I heard Layla and Pansy laughing at me where they were stationed by a wall, but I ignored them. I had work to do.

My father was clueless to the things I did for the house elf and his mother. Even though my grandmother was dead, our house elf was devoted to her. Kreacher and Grandma were expecting my report on the school.

"Lilly!" Kreacher stood in my dorm. He was the one who had created the nickname. "You are late today."

"My apologies, Kreacher. My professors have given me too much homework." I explained. Kreacher nodded, and smiled at me.

"I have missed you, Mistress. Your grandmother will not let me visit you." Kreacher told me.

"I missed you too, Kreacher." I whispered, leaning down to hug him. Kreacher had been my escape from the darkness that Sirius brought me. When the Order came, I would spend time in my room with Kreacher, playing games and talking. Kreacher was the one who comforted me when I was in tears because of my father. Kreacher was the one who I could depend on.

"Mistress Black is awaiting our return. Will you come with me, Lilly?" Kreacher extended his arm for me to grip. I nodded eagerly and took his arm, apparating to the Black House.

"Grandma!" I almost hugged her portrait.

"Good evening, Lilly. You're later than usual." Grandma noted.

"Homework." I explained.

"Kreacher! Please let me out of this blasted thing!" Grandma called to the house elf. He eagerly snapped his fingers and Grandma easily stepped out of the portrait. It was a special spell that could let her leave the portrait and walk among people for around ten minutes. I could only speak to her during those ten minutes every month, because the spell took time to cast, and needed a lot of magic.

I raced to her and wrapped my arms around the woman's plump figure. She chuckled and hugged me back.

"I missed you!" I whispered into the crook of her neck. She echoed my statement, and released me.

"That stupid oaf that I have the dishonour of calling my son wouldn't let me speak to you before you left. I have half a mind to go up to him during the time that I am solid and scold him!" Grandma fumed,

"Grandma, don't! He can't know about our meetings, or he'll forbid Kreacher from bringing me here. You know that he has the most power over Kreacher."I reminded her. Grandma gave me a sober nod, before beginning to laugh.

"I can't imagine how boring your new school is!" She roared with laughter.

I giggled along, "Grandma, don't be mean!" I smiled. "But they aren't as...exciting as Beauxbatons."

Grandma agreed, before explaining that she had wanted my father and uncle to go to Durmstrang, where it would be more disciplinary. Maybe if Sirius had gone there, he would be a bit nicer to his only daughter. We talked a bit more before Kreacher gave us a reminder.

"Lilly, Mistress, The time is up. I can no longer keep up the spell." He told us with sadness.

"Oh well. See you next month, Lilly." Grandma hugged me, and this time it was me who echoed her words back to her.

Kreacher smiled sadly, but soon, Grandma faded from view. I sighed, but took Kreacher's arm to go back to Hogwarts. "Goodbye, Kreacher." I said softly when we were in my dorm.

"Goodbye, Lilly." Kreacher gave me a hug, before disapparating, leaving me on my knees in my dorm, by myself.

"I'll miss you." I whispered.

It seemed like the air was holding me in suspense, as if it would answer me.

But not now. 


Hey guys. I don't know when I've last updated, but here's a new chapter. 

If any of you have any advice or ideas for this story I would love to hear them! 






This chapter is not proof read.

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