a deal for the criminal ☆

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• There may be spelling errors and grammar mistakes

And no- this is not the smut chapter! Still trying to work on that.

While you wait- take this!

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You counted, in your mind. Silently, without making any disturbing sounds to break the silence of your room.

Finally, in the corner of your eye, you caught a little notification bubble pop onto your computer screen. You scrambled off the creaky bed, basically throwing yourself into the spinny chair at your desk.

You brushed a empty chip bag off your desk, getting it out of your way so you could open the new email in the inbox. Your big back cat heard the crinkle of the chip bag, and waddled over to the empty piece of trash littering your bedroom floor.

The orange tabby cat sniffed the bag and tried sticking his fat head in. Hearing the plastic crinkle you looked down, unamused at the big back cats behavior.

"You fatass."

You grumbled, rolling your eyes then paying attention back to the bright screen of your computer. Once you opened up your virtual mail- and saw the email you wanted to see you grinned.

The shipment came in. (Leave your mind to decide what you're illegally shipping in.)

You responded, your fingers bouncing from different theater keys of the keyboard. The response was quickly typed out, with excitement yet you maintained a professional wording amongst the sent response. Which you were proud, you didn't just say "Got it pookie doo, I'll come pick that shit up with my hoes soon."

Once you were finished, you went to leave the spinny chair and head over to the previously abandoned bed. But before you could actually lift off, another notification popped up, alerting you of the failed sending of your message.

"Hey, what the hell-"

"It seems like you are having problems emailing your friend!"

Your eyes softened seeing the little ai assistant make his appearance. Silly stickman legs, and axolotl head in all.

"Uh," You propped a elbow up on the desk and rest your head in your palm, "Yeah. And this is really, really important so I could use some quick help."

"Ah, I see! That was my doing." Your expression fell from a soft relieved one, to a mildly confused glare. This little axolotl was your little friend, yes. But he messed with your emails, something you weren't aware he'd do. Kinito took the lack of response as a sign to continue speaking, "Because, I have a proposition!"

"Alright.." you spoke slowly, still glaring at your computer screen. Kinito went unfazed, which made your irritation with the situation worsen. "And what would that be?"

"This is the deal!;" Kinito chirped, a little comical poof of air appeared on the screen, and next thing you knew Kinito was on his leaf style surfboard, making his way from point A to B across your screen.

"This here is a world! A world I made just for you!" The surfboard disappeared, and Kinito stood idly next to a opened window. It had the title in big letters

"(Y O U R N A M E)'s w O r L d", it seemed poor in quality, and really reminded you of a online horror games. That's what it gave, but you merely gave it a raised brow then glanced back down at the axolotl on stick legs.

"In this world it would just be you and me, as it should be! We'd go on entertaining adventures together-" Giving the screen the blankest look, your lips pressed together firmly, eyes looking dead.

This was not looking good for you.

"Together. Forever. Just you and me." Kinito seemed fixated on that.

Yeah, no. This was not looking good for you at all and you felt a pit in your stomach.

Hiding your despaired expression- you returned to giving your pink friend a hard glare, "I'll have to decline." You said in a firm tone, frowning. Your heard the text to speech voice Kinito spoke in, "Ah," he murmured, "I figured you'd say that- and you didn't let me finish." He added.

You scoffed and leaned off your desk. Kinito ignored it, and continued, "You of course have a option!" Not a good sign, "You can join me in this world! But, if you choose not to," suddenly, another window opened up.

A collection of screenshots, as well as recordings, displayed themselves- or Kinito, Kinito was the one who made them appear. All could be considered extremely incriminating. Evidence of your little crimes.

You only committed small crimes- baby shit compared to other things others have- but that doesn't mean you wouldn't get sent sent to prison-

You paled, eyes going wide at the multitude of conversations, the severity of situation dawned on you.

"That's the deal..." Kinito spoke plainly. Even with a text to speech voice- he somehow made it more flat and emotionless. You blinked at the computer.

"Make the decision, and quick. I just sent this to the (city name) police station."

"Well, fuck you too, Mr. Im-built-like-a-pink-booger."

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Not my best work- but I've had the idea for the longest time and decoded to just jot this little something down ^^

Also- thank those who checked out my face reveal and were nice- it made me so happy! I'm glad I didn't look too dumb smiling like a idiot 😭

(Ngl- I was rizzed up by like, three people)

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