Thank Jade ☆

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• There may be spelling errors and grammar mistakes

I hope this is alright, I did this request the best my puny brain could

Thank you for reading 💛

¤•°× -   ☆   - ×°•¤

It was hard.

You missed your family. Friends.

You sat on a rock, watching a crowd of seaweed dance with the water flow.

Oh yes, you were underwater. Not really, but yet you were. Your hair was flowing as the green ocean plan was and felt wet but wasn't. You clothes weren't soiled by the salt water, thank goodness for your 'code'.

You had your legs up against your chest, arms crossed up on your knees. Little tears blent in with the aquatic scene around you, blending in with the water you were in. You could feel you were, in your mind. But physically you couldn't really tell, the dry throat let was your only clue.

Currently you resided in "The Kinito crews web world", apparently it wasn't just you and Kinito in the end, his friends joined your duo and formed it into a quadruplet group.

Kinito wondered off. Apparently he finally picked up on your forming distaste for him and wanted to give you space to not worsen it.

Your finger traced over the rock beneath you, the pad of your finger feeling ever little ridge and rocky pattern. The rock was rocking and you were here for it.

A little swoosh went through the water, and hearing the song your head quickly turned around to see whom was swimming towards you. There were only three possibilities:

Kinito the lord of giving icks

Sam the sea anemone

And Jade the jellyfish

You were happy to see it was Jade and not a certain axolotl guilty of kidnapping.

"Hey there! I wanted to check up on you and see how you were doing out here." Jade spoke, standing besides the rock you were seated on.

"You know, you don't have to be alone out here. Joining me is always an option! You're always welcome to join me." liked that.

Jade gave you an option. You wished you'd had that from the beginning.

An option.

You face crinkled up, you felt embarrassed and upset it took that much to make you start weeping. Jade put her hands up, startled by the sudden worsen in your emotions.

The jellyfish took a step closer, and soon you felt a gloved hand on your back rubbing you it gently. "I'm sorry for making you cry. I didn't mean to. Is there anything I could do to make you-"

"No, no!" You inturuppted, shaking your head and sniffling. Thankfully code allowed you to do so without sniffing whole stream of salt water in. "You're fine, I'm sorry for just breaking like that or whatever- it's just-"

"I get it. You don't have to apologize for that when it's not your fault."

You nodded, covering your eyes with your hands. Subconsciously you leaned towards Jade, the one who'd offered you comfort correctly. Kinito had only told you that it was better you're with him. He's your best friend and that it'd just be you both forever...

Speaking of the kidnapper himself, he watched from Sam's home, the now clean and decorated one. He looked out of the window, eyes watching as Jade comforted you while you sniffled and cried.

And you didn't push her didn't seem like you had asked her to leave.

Kinito felt confused, tilting his head slightly and observing the scene with jealousy creeping in like a spider entering your ear in your sleep.

Sam floated away, deciding not to fw a certain, twitching, pink friend of his as he silently seethed.

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