Dont need him ☆

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Im not the best at writing oneshots, better at scenarios and headcannons. I just wanted to give this a try though.

Thank you for reading 💛

• There may be spelling errors, bad grammar. I usually forget to reread and edit, so my apologies if you see any of those.

¤•°× - ☆ - ×°•¤

Kinito displayed a black box on your computer moniter, codes in white letters were going up so fast, more replacing it as it rolled like the credits after a movie. You couldn't read any of the lines of code, but you doubted any of it could be understood by your brain even.

But a doubt that was already firmly planted in your brain, was that giving Kinito system access was definitely your downfall. With a groan you put your hands on your face and dragged them down to your cheeks.

As if Kinito heard you- which wouldn't come as a surprise at this point- he spoke up, "Oh! And before I forget," at the side of your computer screen, the tan text box listing your friends came down, "we wouldn't want anything distracting you from my program!"

You squinted at the desktop buddy, wondering if it was being serious. The text-to-speech voice met your ears as he continued speaking, "So, I'll just get rid of these unnecessary I should have a while ago."

One by one, the friends on your list were tinted with red and then removed. "Wow, now isn't that just cute." You said with a tight smile, a slight wince on your face as you watched all on the list become unfriended by the silly, pink axolotl.

You hoped that your friends wouldn't think you were mad at them- but what else would they think? Suddenly being unadded by you like that with no explanation? You would think they were mad at you if they did that.

Shoulders slumped, you defleated slightly and gave the computer a unamused look.

Kinito was silent, you were as well. But when it came down to the last friend icon on the list that was just about empty, Kinito broke that silence while you sat straight in your seat.

"And you definitely won't need him." The him that the desktop buddy was referring to in such a distasteful way?

That was your boyfriend.

His profile was the last left on your friends list. "Not now, that you have me!" Kinito spoke happily, and not a second later, your boyfriends icon was tinted with a red and then deleted.

"Okay, now that's just- UGH!" Reaching for your phone, expecting it it be in its place besides your computer, you found it was not there.

"Where the-"

Kinito inturuppted, "Alright, looks like we are all set."

You glared down at the pink desktop buddy, his little head..body thing would slightly expand whenever he spoke. A thing you found cute before, but now not so much. Too much has happened for the virtual friend to appear cute to you anymore.

"I think you're really going to like this!" Kinito spoke with your world in mind, the world he made for you! Personalized to be perfect and with your ideal conditions in mind.

But no.

You were in fact, not going to like this.

Kinito x reader stuff Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon