Im really your friend ♡

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• There may be spelling errors and grammar mistakes

The very first request for this book, I hope what I have provided is to your liking, requester!

Thank you for reading 💛

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The mouse hovered over the 'Yes' option, if you clicked no you couldn't bear to hear the sullen 'Oh', you didn't want to see Kinito sad if you said you weren't enjoying KinitoPET.

Clicking your desired option, Kinito seemed to have a certain happiness to his tone as he spoke, "That's great to hear! I'm glad you're enjoying our time together as much as I am." 

How could anyone say no, you wondered. He's a adorable little guy, he just wants to be best friends.

Sure, he kinda kidnaps you. But it's Kinito, so it's fine.

"I'm happy that such a friendly, pretty girl enjoys her time with me."

You hummed, once the words processed completely a look of confusion came across you. That wasn't a response you'd expected. This isn't a response you should be getting at all, both the context and the sentance itself had you feeling at unease..and a bit flattered.

"Huh..didn't think that was in the game.." with the pad of your finger, you guided the mouse to Kinito and clicked on him. Just a boop for fun, nothing special. To your surprise, once he was released his left eye didn't twitch.

"Silly, this isn't a game!" The tab disappeared. This led you to assume his questioning was over, which was just as confusing to you as the compliment he gave. Kinito's green surfboard appeared, him boarding it and riding it to the center of the screen.

His form of transportation poofed away, there he stood staring you in the eye. You stared back, lips pressed firmly into a line.

"Wait.." You slowly spoke, a hand raising to point at the little axolotl character standing at the centerspace of your background. Kinito's eyes squinted slightly, which you took as perhaps, a smile.

"So, this is real? Like- you're actually my friend, for real!?" Kinito found the disbelief in your words amusing, a silly Text-to-speech laugh coming from him. It sounded choppy, almost empty if you didn't know the little guy you'd assume it was fake.

It was easy to tell it was genuine amusement. For you, anyways.

"Did you think that this was all fake? A game? Maybe I am not expressing myself apologies. I'll work on fixing that."

You panicked for a split second, choking on some words and waving your hands at the screen, "Wait!- No! You're fine, I'm sorry. That's not what I meant-"

"Then what did you mean?" Kinito questioned. "Uhh," You clasped your hands together, a falsely calm smile forming on your face, "I'm not entirely sure what I meant either! Let's just uh..brush that to the side."

Kinito hummed, his eyes squinting at you with suspicion.

The suspicion wasn't invalid either, with nervous written all over you it was only right to wonder why you suddenly became dismissive on that subject as well. But no matter, there's better things to continue on with, Kinito figured.

You? Well you were not about to tell the little computer buddy that he was intentionally downloaded as a game. No, that might spoil this once in a lifetime opportunity! So, you decided to go along and see where this strange occurrence would take you.

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