
Start from the beginning


Charlie jumped at the unexpected use of her language and she blushed when she realized she'd been staring. She gave a polite yet uneasy smile, returning the greeting, "Hello."

"I'm Nula. Veti sent me to help you feel more comfortable here and also as a way for me to learn more about your culture. He had Dekar come with me for your protection. He doesn't know as much of your language as I do so he'll be listening and learning from us."

Charlie blinked. There was no way she could learn English that fast. Then again, it had been the same for Tük'hala. Though for him he still spoke choppily for a while, at least for a whole day. She was sure she only met this Daki less than 10 hours ago and yet here she was, talking like English was her first language. Fascinating.

Then it fully registered there was someone else that came with her. Charlie looked to the side and her eyes widened upon seeing one of the tall cloaked Daki that had been protecting the king. Only his mouth was visible while the rest of his face was veiled by the darkness cast by the droopy hood of the cloak he wore. Though she couldn't see his eyes, she could tell he was staring at her.

"Don't worry about Dekar. He is unmated but it was a part of his training to go many years ignoring his instincts in environments that made it nearly impossible to. Trust me when I say you're safe with him," Nula reassured, no doubt seeing the apprehension on her face.

"Oh," Charlie finally spoke lamely. "How did you learn English so fast?"

"Tük'hala taught me and Veti while you were resting. I like your language, it feels weird to speak," Nula said with a giggle before grabbing her arm and pulling her out of the room.

"Wait! I, um..." Charlie protested.

Nula paused. "What is it?"

"I'm not properly dressed."

"Oh I know. I'm taking you to get clothes made just for you. Veti had all the unmated males leave the palace, besides Dekar and Tugo. But they can be trusted," she informed cheerfully. Then she continued to pull Charlie along with Dekar silently trailing behind them.

Charlie let herself be guided down the hall and down a spiraling flight of stairs. She had so many questions but she didn't want to overwhelm the Daki woman. So she started with a simple one.

"How do you speak so clearly without extending the 's' sound on some words like Tük'hala does?"

Nula glanced at her with amusement in her blue eyes. "Ah, that is a speech impediment more common among males. No one knows why, but it is a funny little fact!"

That was kind of endearing. No, she couldn't think of Tük'hala as endearing, she was supposed to be mad at him. Charlie pushed the thought away.

Soon they arrived at a room with many windows. Garments of all kinds were folded or hung all around the room. It was a chaotic organized mess. There was shuffling to the right, hidden by a string of hung clothes.

A short Daki suddenly peeked out from between the clothes like a floating head and Charlie nearly jumped in surprise.

Nula laughed then said something in her language to the shorter Daki, who responded energetically and disappeared behind the clothes again. More shuffling was heard. Something fell and broke—glass, probably, from the sound of it—and Charlie heard harsh guttural words that she assumed was cursing.

There was a thump, a ruffle of cloth, a clinking of something, and then the Daki, dressed in a patterned green and tan robe, emerged fully with a smile, waving them over to follow.

As they followed, Charlie whispered to Nula, "Who is this?"

"This is Tifi. She's one of the oldest Daki in the city and she loves to make clothes. She's strange and I like her a lot."

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