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               "What are we going to do now, sir?" asked the agent while I was dressing my wounds.

               "Return to Russia right after this dumb meeting," I answered, drinking water after I had finished bandaging my injuries.

               "How? The police and security are looking everywhere for you and are watching the airport closely."

               "We'll fly our own plane," I told him, "Now, wire Alexander and tell him we'll leave right after the meeting." I finished wrapping up my wounds and left the room.

               "Aren't you going to attend the meeting, sir?" the agent asked.

               "Of course not," I responded, "I have better things to do with my time, like go kill people."


               "I mean... like, go and pack up the stuff we need for the trip back," I corrected myself. I exited the room and started to pack up storage with Tomara.

               After we were finished, I turned to her.

               "Hey," I said, "Go and keep an eye on Moralés while I check up on Adrian. And if you lay a finger on him, I'll decorate the walls with your fucking brains, since you don't need them anyway."

               "Yes, sir," she said as she walked out the door. I walked down the corridor leading to the room we left Adrian in. Hopefully, Misha left his pulse behind. 

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