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               I never should have left them. I should have grabbed Antonio and ran. I was such a bad parent. I spotted the two bodies lying on the ground and ran up to them, hoping, praying to God that they were still alive.

               "Adrian!" I cried, "Antonio!" Antonio had blood all over him. "Tony, can you hear me?! Where does it hurt?!"

               "Hey, mom?" he asked me, "Do you think the blood will wash out of my shirt?" I looked at him cluelessly. Then, I realized that the blood on him obviously wasn't his.

               "Wait," I stuttered nervously, "Th-then whose blood is on your shirt?"

               "Adrian's." He pointed. "He coughed up blood on me. It's kind of gross." I looked at Adrian and then saw the bloody wound on his back caused by a sharp piece of metal. I ran over to him. His eyes were closed.

               Suddenly, police, fire trucks, and ambulances came to our aid. I checked Adrian's pulse before they took him away, and I started to sob.

               "You're a hero, Adrian," I whispered. 

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