8 0 1

               First operation: Gun #1, bottom left, gun #2, bottom right. Second operation: Gun #1, left, gun #2, forward. Third operation: "L"–gun #1, forward, gun #2, left, just below arm #1. Fourth operation: "Reverse operation three"–gun #1, right, just below arm #2, gun #2, forward. Fifth operation: "X"–gun #1, diagonal right, gun #2, diagonal left. Sixth operation: "Incognito"–gun #1, aiming over the left shoulder, gun #2, left, just below arm #1. Seventh operation: "M"–gun #1, aiming over the right shoulder, gun #2, aiming over the left shoulder. Eighth operation–

               "Why do you wield your guns like that?" LeBron's voice came from behind me. "It's not like you'll ever use those combos one day." I looked at him seriously.

               "You can never practice too much," I told him, still practicing.

               "Well, if I see you use one of those operations one day and it doesn't work, you need to buy me a drink," LeBron joked.

               "And if it does work, you need to buy me a drink," I laughed, but I wouldn't be laughing one day. I needed to make myself stronger, which was the reason why I was practicing everything I saw in the "Dual Gun Practicing" handbook. LeBron thought it was stupid only because he uses knives almost always. He had been practicing, too. He had been throwing knives at a target, and each time, he made it right on the bullseye, so I didn't see why he even needed to practice. He said it was because he needed to become faster, but my reason for wielding the guns was so I could become faster and stronger. 

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