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               I had to sneak out my window to do what I wanted. I started a walk through the city. If he meant what he said when he told me he would come looking for me, I wanted to put it to the test. There was no way he could still love me after I said I hated him.

               I continued to walk, then looked around to see if the police had started to look for me yet. Who am I kidding? It had only been ten minutes.

               Then, unexpectedly, someone put their hand over my mouth and carried me, against my will, into a deserted alley. I muffled a few screams as they carried me further into the mazed passage. Finally, after what seemed like hours, the ominous figure threw me to the ground, and knelt next to me, all while covering my mouth with their hand. I couldn't see who it was because they were wearing a hood over their head, shading their face from me.

               "Shh," the person hissed as he slowly uncovered my mouth. I immediately yelled as loud as I could.

               "Help!" I cried, "Somebody help me! I've been kid–" He grabbed my neck and threw me against the wall.

               "You don't listen, do you?" the man asked me, and he was American. He didn't have an accent. Yet, he sounded very familiar, but I didn't remember much from before I was eleven.

               He continued to choke me, but fortunately, I always kept a knife attached to me. I took it from its sheath and quickly sliced his wrist. He winced, grabbed the knife from me, backhanded me, and chucked me into the side of a metal trash can, leaving a dent in the trash can and a bruise on my back. It also knocked the breath out of me. I rolled over on my hands and knees and was about to get up again when I noticed droplets of blood falling onto the cement ground.

               "Fuck..." I whispered to myself, "Th-this is... This is actually happening."

               Just then, the guy pinned me to the ground with his foot, and then he put a face mask around my head. I guessed that it was soaked in chloroform. 

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