#105 - Price of Work

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The group were trying to 'find' a boat to... borrow. Like most suspicious things, this was occurring in the dead of night. They'd gone to the docks to try and find a boat big enough but quiet enough to get them across the next step of their journey, getting into the Cession.

Scylla and Raelle were on the docks sneaking around the boats whilst Adil and Abigail kept watch on the one guard that was posted there, but he was asleep so it was seeming all too easy. Much to Abigail's dismay, she was itching for some action.

Meanwhile, Tally, Khalida and Batan were waiting back for the signal. Tally would be able to see if anyone was coming before they came, basically an extended lookout. Carmen and Myka waited on the other side of the opening with a bored look on their faces.

"Never had to work with so many couples before." Nicte groaned.

"You get used to it." Tally said with a smug look.

"If you say so, but we'll be outnumbered soon." Tally's eyebrows furrowed together, Nicte saw her confusion and in response gestured behind her. Tally looked over at Carmen and Myka quickly clueing onto what Nicte was suggesting.

"You've lost it, Batan." Tally quietly chuckled. The woman shrugged at the shut down.

Tally then turned her attention to Khaldia who had been ignoring the entire conversation. "I guess this is even harder for you huh? Not having anyone else you same age."

"That has been the case for many years now. Although that was one of the nice things about being with the Dodgers." It was the sad truth for Khalida, she was very rarely around people her own age and despite her mature persona she was still just a child.

For Tally that response was like a kick in the gut, Khalida had finally had a moment of happiness and Tally had ruined it, the guilt returned immediately.

It would seem Carmen and Myka weren't the only ones getting bored as Abigail had gone to check was what taking Raelle and Scylla so long, impatience getting the better of her.

Raelle and Scylla had looked over most of the boats at this point, Scylla even suggesting a small paddle boat was good enough. Raelle had questioned her motivates, reminding her they all needed to fit. Reluctantly the brunette sighed and walked away to follow her on to the next boat.

They got to the last boat which was sporting a lovely 'Exodus 22:18 Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live...'

"Yup. We're definitely stealing this one." Raelle stared at the sticker with hatred but also happy that they succeeded in finding a boat. Scylla on the other hand wore a glum look.

"Hey." Raelle gently spoke to her. "Come here." She reached her hand out towards her and pulled her in for a light kiss to which Scylla smiled at but the small hint of sadness was still evident in her eyes.

"Someday soon, we'll go away together. Just the two of us."

"All right." Scylla smiled at her half heartedly.

"I promise." Raelle caressed Scylla's face and gave her a small kiss on her forehead.

In the background Abigail had seen and heard it all, the thought of the two secretly plotting to go off on their own filling Abigail with a sense of jealousy.

Abigail had pretended like she was never there, filtering back into the darkness like she'd been waiting with Adil the entire time. The group gave up on the boats and were now executing a different plan to get into the Cession.

Raelle had told them about the boarder and the wards that surrounded it. They have to be lifted for anyone to pass through and that would be their opening to sneak in. Nicte was all for the idea too, claiming she'd done it millions of times.

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