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-Maddys pov-

Hayes just went back over to his house to get everything set.

I went up to my room. I straightened my hair and braided it. I put on a black tank and blue sweatpants that perfectly showed my butt. I don't know....I just like them. I brushed my teeth and washed my face.

I ran over to his house.

"Hellloooo?" I yelled. No one was here. I saw no car out front either. No lights were on and I was spooked.

Like one minute after saying hello I heard footsteps across the kitchen floor. It was a room away.

"I'm going to leave now...." I whispered to myself. I ran out the door. I sprinted across the road and into my house. While running in the door I ran into someone. And the person caught me from falling. I stood up straight and regained my stance.

"What the hell?" I asked really shaky. This person was Hayes's height. Oh it was Hayes.

"Hey... Can't do movie night. Magcon is tomorrow. I have to get ready. Though we leave at noon." I sh'ed him to be quiet. I pointed toward his house and I saw a shadow bending down in the driveway light. I cried into Hayes's chest as he yelled.

"HEY! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU DOIN?" He yelled in a sassy voice. The guy dropped what they had and ran. He let me jump on his back and he ran to the bag.

I jumped off and dug through the bag and picked out-

A lamp
2 laptops
A galaxy note.

"Hayes? Two macbooks and a galaxy note? I don't really understand the lamp though....but how rich are you?"
He laughed and looked down on me. He helped me up.

"Instead of telling you now....I'll tell you tomorrow on the way to Magcon." He said he pecked my lips and headed for his house.

"Bye baby. See you tomorrow." I said sweetly as I gave him a tight squeeze.


Meet Me In The Cages~ Hayes GrierWhere stories live. Discover now