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Few Days Later
Jake's POV

"Luna the Alpha asked for you." a servant said to me as I was in the kitchen cleaning. "Where is the  Alpha at?" I asked her. "He's in his office." she said to me. "Thank you." I said to her.

And then I left the kitchen and walked to Kyle's office. But before I went in I knocked because he always tells me to knock before I come into any room he is in. "Come in." he said to me.

And then I walked in the office. "You asked for me Alpha?" I asked him. "Yes just to let you know that my parents are coming over for dinner and to tell you that you have a check up for the pup today." he said to me.

"Is that all Alpha?" I asked him. "No come here." he said to me and I walked over to him and he pulled me down on his lap. "Am I talking to you or your wolf?" he asked me.

"You're talking to me Vegas hasn't been making himself known for days." I said to him. "I just find it weird that your eyes are blue right now." he said to me.

"They've been like that since you gave me that drink but I don't think it's anything to worry about." I said to him. "That reminds me here drink this." he said to me as he gave me the green drink.

So then I did what he said and drank the drink and I felt dizzy again and like I was about to pass out but I didn't. "You need to be on your best behavior tonight because even though you are my mate I don't care about putting you in your place in front of my parents." he said to me.

"I understand Alpha." I said to him. "Good now go back to your room Alec should be in there with the omega that's going to check on you and the pup." he said to me. "Okay Alpha." I said to him as I gave him a kiss and then I walked out of his office going back to my room.

"Hi Luna I'm assuming the Alpha told you I would be in here to check on you and your pup." Annie an omega said to me. "Yes he did." I said to her. "Okay so just lay down on the bed and pull up your shirt." she said to me and I did what she said.

"Okay how has your morning sickness been I know last time we talked you said that it was very bad." she said to me. "It's gotten better I don't have it that much anymore." I said to her.

"That's good but your pup seems like they are doing great they are in the right place and everything." she said to me. "Okay thank you." I said to her and then she left the room.

"Alec I still can't believe I'm having my first pup." I said to him. "Jake what are you talking about you have two pups already." he said to me. "No I don't me and Kyle only have one pup and it's the one I'm carrying." I said to him.

"Jake why are your eyes blue?" he asked me. "I don't know they've been like this for a while but I want to know why do you think I already have two pups." I said to him. "Because you do you have Javier and Paris." he said to me.

"Those are cute names but I don't have any pups by that name me and Kyle haven't even thought of a name for this pup." I said to him. "Jake can I ask you something?" he asked me.

"Sure." I said to him. "What's the name of your mate?" he asked me and I started laughing. "It's Kyle, Alec why would you ask such a silly question." I said to him. "Jake why do you think Kyle is your mate because he's not." he said to me.

"He is my mate." I said to him. "No it's not it's Alejandro Gomez that's your mate you know the Alpha that you have two pups with." he said to me. "I've never heard of that name before but Alec I think you should leave." I said to him.

"What the hell did Kyle do to you?" he asked me. "He didn't do anything to me." I said to him and he started making me uncomfortable. "Yes he did Jake because there's no way you forgot about your pups or even who your real mate is." he said to me.

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