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Few Days Later
Jake's POV

"Ale what are you doing?" I asked him as I walked in our room. "Nothing." he said to me. "I can tell you've been in bed just staring at nothing when you should be up because Javier wants to go to the woods today when he gets back from town" I said to him.

"You think he loves being in the woods so much because he doesn't have his wolf yet?" he asked me. "That may be part of the reason but it also may be because he doesn't see his father that much and is trying to find a way to spend time with him." I said to him as I walked over to him and sat on his lap.

"I know I'm barely around but you know how it is with taking care of the kingdom and making sure the premises is always clear and there is no danger." he said to me. "I know and I don't blame you for not being home much it's just you should try to be home a bit more especially when it comes to the day Javier finally gets his wolf." I said to him.

"I will I wouldn't miss that for anything in the world because I know how important it is to get your wolf and I definitely know how important it is for Javier." he said to me. "I just can't wait to have his celebration." I said to him.

"That's because you love being around people." he said to me. "I mean I am the queen so of course I love being around people when it's the people we both made a vow to protect." I said to him.

"I knew it was a reason for you to be my mate." he said to me. "And I'm so happy to be your mate." I said to him as I leaned down and gave him a kiss. "Give me another one." he said to me and I was about to give him another kiss but I felt a pain in my chest and I felt my eyes turn blue .

"You felt that too?" Alejandro asked me and I noticed his eyes were red. "Somethings wrong." I said to him as I got off his lap. "ALPHA , LUNA COME QUICK!!" I heard Lucas one of the guards yell from outside our door.

So then I went to open the door. "What's wrong with my son?" I asked him. "We don't know he was perfectly fine but the guards that went to town with him said some men came up to him picking on him about his wolf and then he started  screaming out in pain." he said to me.

"Stay here with Paris and make sure nothing happens to her." Alejandro said to him. "Yes Alpha." he said to him. "Come on." Alejandro said to me. And then me and him both went to the front of the castle and turned into our wolf's.

"Ale I'm sacred." I said to him. "It's okay he's with two of our most trusted guards he will be okay." he said to me. "I hope you're right." I said to him.

But as we were running the pain was getting worse and it was coming faster and I started whimpering because I didn't know what was happening with my son. "JAKE SLOW DOWN!!" Alejandro yelled at me. "NO JAVIER IS IN TOO MUCH PAIN I NEED TO GET TO HIM!!" I yelled at him.

And I just ran faster until we finally made it into town and I was looking for Javier but I couldn't find him. "Jake calm down and follow me." Alejandro said to me. So then I followed him and I saw Javier on the ground and he was whimpering.

So then me and Alejandro both turned back into our human form and I'm so glad we remembered to tie our clothes around us because the whole town does not need to see us naked. "Javier it's okay mama is here." I said to him as I crouched down in front of him.

"Bring me the men that were saying stuff to him." Alejandro said to Tony one of the guards that was with Javier. "Mama it h-hurts." Javier said to me. "I know don't worry we're going to figure out what's wrong." I said to him as I was running my fingers through his hair to try and calm him down.

And then I started hearing people whispering. "What's wrong with the Alpha and Luna's son?" "Is this normal?" "Maybe it's just something wrong with their son he is weird." And that last remark made me very upset.

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