E23 - Lane Change

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The Okoyes were trying to make a lane change - on the road and in life! Mr. Okoye, the lead driver, was trying to navigate a busy highway, while Mrs. Okoye, the co-pilot, was trying to navigate their family's priorities.

Chidi, the sarcastic one, was in the backseat, saying, "Can we please just stay in one lane for once? I'm getting whiplash from all these changes!"

Nneoma, the voice of reason, was trying to mediate, saying, "Dad, maybe we should just take the next exit and regroup?"

Obinna, the little troublemaker, was bouncing around, saying, "I want to be in charge of the GPS! I know a shortcut!"

As they tried to merge into a new lane, the Okoyes learned that sometimes you need to signal your intentions, communicate with your crew, and trust your instincts to make a smooth transition. And Mr. Okoye? Well, he learned to always check his blind spots - for cars and for life advice from his family!

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