E11 - Maybe Daddy

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The Okoyes were in the middle of a family discussion when Obinna, the little charmer, piped up with a question: "Daddy, can we get a dog?"

Mr. Okoye, the softie, looked at Mrs. Okoye and said, "Well, maybe, baby. We'll have to see."

Chidi, the sarcastic one, rolled his eyes and said, "Yeah, because we really need another mouth to feed...and a furry one at that!"

Nneoma, the voice of reason, added, "Actually, Dad, having a dog could be a great responsibility lesson for us kids."

Mrs. Okoye chimed in, "And think of all the exercise we'll get walking it!"

Mr. Okoye looked at his family and said, "You know what? Maybe we can make this work. But if we do get a dog, it's going to be a small one...and it's going to be named 'Maybe'!"

The family erupted in laughter, and Obinna exclaimed, "Yay! Maybe Daddy said yes!"

The Okoyes learned that sometimes, all it takes is a little bit of persistence and a lot of humor to make a family decision. And who knows, maybe they'll even get a dog named Maybe!

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