E14 - Control Issues

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The Okoyes were at it again! This time, it was all about control issues. Mrs. Okoye, the queen of the remote control, was not letting anyone else get their hands on it.

Mr. Okoye, the king of the couch, tried to negotiate, "Honey, can I please watch my game for once?"

Mrs. Okoye replied, "No way, dear. I've got my shows to watch, and I'm not missing them for your sports."

Chidi, the sarcastic one, chimed in, "Yeah, because Mom's soap operas are way more important than Dad's football game."

Nneoma, the voice of reason, added, "Can't we just share the remote? We're all adults here...well, almost."

Obinna, the little troublemaker, just giggled and said, "Let's just hide the remote and watch cartoons instead!"

The Okoyes learned that sharing is caring, even when it comes to the remote control. And Mrs. Okoye? Well, she learned to let go (just a little) and share the TV time with her loving family!

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