E15 - Duet Up

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The Okoyes were getting ready for a night out! Mrs. Okoye, the fashionista, was trying to pick an outfit, while Mr. Okoye, the king of comfort, was struggling to dress up.

Mrs. Okoye said, "Come on, dear, wear the blue shirt. It matches my dress perfectly!"

Mr. Okoye replied, "But honey, I'm a jeans and t-shirt kind of guy. This fancy stuff is killing me!"

Chidi, the sarcastic one, chimed in, "Yeah, Dad, you're totally rocking the 'dad fashion' look. Keep it up!"

Nneoma, the voice of reason, added, "Actually, Dad, you look pretty sharp. Mom's got good taste!"

Obinna, the little troublemaker, just giggled and said, "Can we please just wear our superhero costumes instead? That would be so much cooler!"

The Okoyes learned that even though they may not always agree on fashion, they can still duet up and look great together! And Mr. Okoye? Well, he learned to trust his wife's fashion sense (most of the time, at least)!

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