bonus chapter.

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Ridge Academy, NY

"Congratulations to the class of 1961" the crowd roars as the Dean, who once Charlie hated for making him take track, announces. Graduation caps fly in the air around them as the hot sun beats down on the crowd. Not so long ago Charlie had dreaded being in this very school but now he couldn't believe it was over. He was finally free and he never thought he would be sad about it like this.

"Yawp!" he hears from the crowd and he looks down the stage and into the crowd to see the Dead Poets standing and cheering just like they once did for Neil a lifetime ago. He can't help the teary laugh that comes to his face as he spots all the prideful looks on each of his friends. When he was first booted from Welton he assumed he would slowly lose touch. How wrong he was, the boys all making the trip just to be here for him. He suddenly regretted not being allowed to attend theirs a week prior. They should've never asked for Nolan's permission.

His own parents couldn't even make it to this. Some last minute business in New York City his Dad had to attend to and his mother tagged along due to not trusting him. Thing was, Charlie didn't really mind. The only people he needed were here and suddenly his heart ached for Neil. He could just see him now, cheering louder than anyone as he got his diploma because he was always his biggest fan. He always knew he could do it.

"We did it!" Evelyn's beautiful voice suddenly filled his ears, barreling into his arms as the students were released from the stage to be congratulated by their families. Charlie laughed and hugged her tightly back, pressing a quick kiss to her lips.

"It's about time" he told her and she laughed, squeezing him tight as he spun her around and then set her down. They kept their arms wrapped around each other as they descended the stage, off in search of the people they love.

They first stumble upon Evelyn's parents and her little brother Eli. He had met them a few times before, leaving campus with Evelyn on holidays his parents didn't care for him to attend. He admired how loving a family they were and that point was proven true as Mr. Evans pulled Evelyn in a hug and Mrs. Evans pulled him in. The minute they let them go Mr. Evans was quick to give Charlie a firm handshake that he was happy to return. Charlie always assumed all adult men were bitter and angry towards the world but Mr. Evans was not and that gave him hope.

"Congrats you two" Mrs. Evans beams, hands coming to wrap around Eli's shoulders.

"Thank you, for everything" Charlie smiled back at them both, arm wrapping around Evelyn's waist. If it wasn't for them he would've never gotten accepted into Columbia. What a rush it was getting to tell his father he had been accepted into an Ivy League even with expulsion on his record. Him and Evelyn were to leave in the Fall.

"Of course son, we were glad to help" Mr. Evans nods at him and he smiles before reaching to ruffle little Eli's hair.

"You're next kiddo" he tells him but the boy just rolls his eyes, not one for school which Charlie found amusing. He figured being a scholar was second nature from years of being conformed into it at Welton, but if he had gone to public school he would've been a lot like Eli. Probably a tradesman instead of businessman.

"Yeah right" the twelve year old boy groans and Charlie laughs, remembering when he was that age, just hitting puberty and waiting to conquer the world. He hoped it didn't crush Eli like it did him.

"Don't let us keep you guys, go celebrate with your friends and we will see you later" Mrs. Evans intervenes. Charlie and Evelyn are quick to smile and bid them goodbye as they head for the parking lot to leave with all the other visiting families. Charlie unable to keep himself away any longer interlocks his hand with Evelyn's and starts navigating the crowd in search of the boys. They spot him as soon as he see's them and they're quick to hoot and holler all over again.

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