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Ridge Academy, NY

The craziest part for Charlie was that standing outside this new building it felt the same. He knew it shouldn't since Welton was the only school he had ever attended his whole life. Yet standing here, looking at the walls and hearing the chatter of students from the dorm floor, he was saddened because it felt the same. It didn't matter that it didn't look the same, held different students, different teachers, different experiences. It was a sad reminder that every preparatory school was the same. That this one would be no different with its insane amount of school work and harsh teachers. It would be another constant reminder that creativity was wrong, creativity didn't keep jobs.

The only hope Charlie had left about a new school being good for him had been crushed. Here in front of him was just another mindless building full of prisoners beat into not becoming free thinkers. If you made it out with your spirit still alive you were lucky. One of the few survivors not tainted by the ugliness of the cruel world. Charlie wished he was one of those survivors but instead he had been beaten by the system worse than them all and in the end still had a whole year and half left of their torture.

"Well son, what do you think?" Charlie took a moment to respond to his father, hands clenching over the handles of his suitcases. After all he wasn't sure how to respond. Over Holiday break he had been punished enough for his behavior and beat back into remembering he had no right to indulge in the good things in life.

"I think it's another school, no different than the last" he finally responded, refusing to look his father in the eye and see the smug look he wore. Charlie didn't need another reminder that he was to listen to the man and do as he was told. If all went well they'll have turned him into an obedient money making machine by the time he was done.

"Well it better be different than the last. We can't afford another incident like last time. If you're to get into an ivy league school you will do your best here" his father responded with a harsh and cold tone, no longer in the mood to deal with his attitude.

"The chances of me getting into an ivy league after expulsion are low" Charlie muttered as he stepped through the doors to the boys dorms. He had been provided a tour of campus over the break to avoid any mixups. He hated that he already knew the school, it gave his father something to hold against him.

"Well if you had just signed that paper maybe you wouldn't be in this predicament" his father dropped the suitcases he held, them clambering to the floor outside his new dorm room. Charlie watched as his mother jumped slightly, learning over break to let the arguments take their course.

"I already told you signing that paper would've made me a liar and I'm many things Dad, but dishonest isn't one of them" Charlie bit back, tired of defending his honor. If he could put his whole foot down Cameron's throat he would. Same for Neil's father. If he was being honest, if he had a do over he still would've never signed that paper, and definitely still would've hit Cameron.

"I'm not having this argument again. Just try to keep your nose clean while you're here. I'm tired of having a disappointment for a son" Mr. Dalton turned on his heel and down the hallway. Charlie wasn't given the chance to say goodbye, his father's words being final. So all he could do was watch him walk away and be thankful he won't have to see him in person for another few months. His mother who never usually had an opportunity to speak stepped forward, hoping to leave her son with a better good bye.

"Give him time dear. He just wants what's best for you" she smiled, reaching up to hold his cheeks. Charlie had been taller than her since puberty and seeing your baby grow bigger than you made you feel like you could no longer protect him from the world. That was proven true when he lost his best friend at seventeen and there was nothing she could do to cure his heartbreak. Death so young can change a person.

"Well leaving that fraud school is a step in the right direction" Charlie sneered but his heart clenched as he thought of his friends. Welton may have been hell but it was also the same place him and Neil would run the halls when they were 12 and it was the same place he spent some of his last moments with him.

"Well prove that to him, you're strong my boy. I believe in you" she smiled and Charlie sighed as he set the suitcases he held down and wrapped his arms around his mother. After all he was still just seventeen and the safest place in the world would always be her arms.

"I love you Mom. Thanks for dropping me off" Charlie told her after a beat and Mrs. Dalton smiled, proud from knowing she had a well mannered boy. She knew her husband was proud too but two strong willed men were designed to clash against one another.

"I love you too baby. Be good, I'd prefer to not know your Dean by name for at least a month" Charlie chuckled as she let him go, leaving a soft kiss on the side of his head.

"I'll try" he told her and she smiled before sending him a wink and rushing off to find her husband who more than likely had the car started and facing the direction of the exit. Charlie took a few moments to collect himself and his thoughts before facing his dorm door and giving it a knock.

"Come in" a muffled voice came through the door and Charlie quickly turned the handle as he pushed it open.

"Hey, I'm your new roommate Charlie" he reached a hand out, the boy sitting leisurely on his bed with a book in his hands. Over the winter break Charlie had tried to picture what his roommate would look like, a face that matched the personal items left behind in the room. He wasn't too far off, a bit taller than expected but shaggy brown hair and green eyes matched what Charlie had pictured.

"Oh yeah, nice to meet you. I'm Nathan" the boy adjusted so he could give his hand a firm shake. A soft smile on his face. Charlie realized quickly he was kind.

"I apologize if this is weird. I know it's not normal to get roommates halfway through the year" Charlie was never the type to roll over for someone else but in just the past month the entire world rolled over him and he didn't have a lot of fight left in him.

"No it's fine. Might be nice to have a roommate for once. My parents always thought it would interrupt with my studies but they can't have any say when there is no more rooms left for the new student" Nate told him because it sucked knowing some people got to share a room with their best friend and got to know each other on a deeper level when he was used to spending his nights alone.

"Well I'll try my best at being a good one then" Charlie said as he brought his suitcases in and shut the door. He never cared about being a decent roommate especially when his roommate was Cameron but now he just wanted some peace.

"You transferred from Welton right?" Nate asked as Charlie started to unpack. He hated how used he was to the feeling of moving into these small shared rooms. He hated even more his room mate already knew this about him.

"Yeah" Charlie muttered back, not in much mood to discuss the school. It was still on the fence how he felt about it when he looked back on life. It being the only place he felt he belonged and hated all at the same time.

"Man that's so cool. I always wanted to go but my parents just couldn't afford it. That school is for the best of the best" Nate looked at him eagerly, amazed to know he was now sharing a room with someone who knew exactly what it was like.

"And by best of the best you mean boys who are trained into mindless working men" Charlie snipped unintentionally and Nate sensed the tension as the hateful words rolled off Charlie's tongue and he eased his excitement back. After all you didn't leave a school like that for any old reason.

"Well I hope Ridge is a better fit for you" Nate muttered, understanding the boy more than likely just needed to be alone with his thoughts. He had already heard a muffled argument through the door. Charlie sighed as his fingertips brushed against the cool edge of the frame in his suitcase. Pulling it free he couldn't quite find an emotion to place with it as he stared at the faces of him and his friends sitting on a rock outside of the cave. His finger covered Neil's face that sat just above his own and he sighed. Tomorrow he would start classes for the first time without his best friend. He never thought there'd be a day.

"Yeah, me too"

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