As I turned around to continue my walk, I realised I was right when another snarling beast approached me. The next wolf's fur was deep brown, but there were streaks of white skin across its flank where the fur was missing. A warrior.

The eyes were dark brown, and as I peered into them, a faint hint of something caught my attention.

I knew those eyes.

I may have never met this beast, but their eyes were always the same. Unless, of course, they had gone beastly.

"Mya," I greeted.

The warrior wolf rose its head when it was only a foot away, its lips parting to flash shiny yellowish canines at me. It was as though she was goading me and wanted to play. I scowled at her, bending slightly so we were at eye level. Her beast was lanky, the dark fur around her neck thick and supple. She was as tall as some males here, but she was a lot lither.

More agile.

Less weight made it easier for her to catch her prey.

"I'm trying to cross." I raised an eyebrow.

Her ears flattened, a clearing warning growl tumbling from her throat. I suspected someone would challenge me, or at least catch me out. Little did I know Mya would come back for round two. I did not fancy fighting another beast today; I was too achy.

"Stand down," I warned.

She growled again, her tongue darting out to lick her nose. She spread her paws, lowering her chest as she held my gaze. I dare not blink, holding my glare at her beast as it grumbled.

I was the luna.

Baring my teeth with my own probably pathetic growl, I spat harshly at her.

"I said stand down!"

The wolf's ears dropped submissively, flattened against its skull. She let out a sharp whimper before grumbling. Once she stood steadily on all fours, she dropped her head into a soft bow. I smirked, crossing my arms triumphantly as I looked toward my mate.

Asra was glowering, so much so I could feel his beast's grumbling in my chest. He did not appreciate the confident smirk I sent his way, holding his stare rather faithfully.

Mya's nose bumped my stomach, a sharp whine escaping her.

"I don't speak wolf, Mya." I rolled my eyes. "I'm trying to cross the circle."

She huffed, spinning around until she was standing beside me. Her wolf's head lay in line with mine, her shoulders brushing my rib cage. I hummed, reaching out to pat her flank.

"I can do this myself." I grumbled, but she just chuffed at me.

Sighing, I tried to pretend there wasn't a wolf beside me as I reached the centre of the circle. Funnily enough, it was the least busy part. Most of the wolves were fighting near the edges, at least half of them waiting on the other side.

A weird feeling tickled at the back of my neck that had me slowing to a stop. I felt Mya's tail flick me in the back when I had stopped behind her, her large wolfish snout turning to stare at me. Her eyes only landed on me for the briefest of moments before they creased at the edges. It looked like she was smiling, rather smugly, too.

The hairs on my arms stood to attention as a hot breath fanned across my neck. A resounding grumble came, and I felt my shoulders sag when I recognised it.

Damn alpha.

Spinning around, I squared up to him. "What do you want?"

He growled warningly, pressing his nose into my chest to force me back. I staggered a single step before shoving his snout back, an annoyed huff leaving my lips.

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