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Hey friends ♥️ so sorry for the delay, but I'm trying to write as much as I can to get ahead again so I can consistently post weekly. I haven't been able to write in a while now, almost two weeks, at least not properly so I'm trying to get back to that! Thank you so much for being here and being patient. It means a lot 🫶🏻

the listening party in my country is EXTREMELY exclusive in a very hard to reach location and you can only go if you win tickets and it's only a small handful of tickets and it suuuucks bc I so badly want the exclusive sleeves and the exclusive clancy listening party pre-order cd :'''''(((

any americanies who wanna preorder a cd for me and ship it to me on my costs (not the free stuff you get but the actual physical album that you can pre-order at the event), hmu 🫶🏻🫶🏻

please enjoy this chapter! It's a bit of a longer one again. kind of an eventful one I'd say lol so I'm curious to see what you guys think of this one!

Again thank you for your support, it means the world. I'll be back next week with the next chapter. Love you all ♥️


Word count: 3643


Tyler sent the last text back to Josh, and he lit a cigarette. He wasn't tired, didn't wanna go to bed, had wanted to continue his call with Josh for the rest of the night and was really loving playing the game with him, but he was listening to Lucas and he was taking care of Josh.

He felt the feeling of loneliness seep back into his veins though, and he sighed. He hated that as soon as he was really alone again, he felt this way. He opened his camera roll and looked at the pictures Steve and Lucas had sent him that they'd taken of him and Josh over the last few days. There were some great ones in there, and it made Tyler smile. He wondered how different things would be if Josh would actually live closer. Why did it have to be LA, why did it have to be so far away? He wished he could buy Josh a house in Columbus and get him to move there.

Though, that'd probably be a little excessive.

He finished his cigarette, cuddled Snickers, then got ready for bed after he locked up. He took his clothes off in the bathroom and then opened Steve's bedroom door, finding his soulmates asleep in bed. He closed the door and plugged his phone in, then he went to the end of the bed and crawled in between both of them.

Lucas remained asleep, cuddling up to Tyler's back instinctively, spooning him from behind. Steve shifted, his eyes opening slightly as he was woken up by Tyler crawling into bed. "Hey baby", he softly said. "Hi Stevie, sorry that I woke you", Tyler replied. "Don't be", Steve said, his eyes closing again. "You okay baby?" He whispered. "Yeah", Tyler replied. "As okay as can be." Steve hummed at that softly. "Wanna cuddle baby?" He asked. "Yeah, please", Tyler said. Steve pressed a kiss on Tyler's forehead as he wrapped his arms around him, now both of his soulmates hugging Tyler. Tyler kissed Steve's chest softly, burying his head against him. "Love you so much baby", Tyler whispered. "Love you always, baby", Steve replied.

Tyler's heart rate calmed down as he was with his soulmates. He was so glad he didn't have to sleep in bed alone. He really needed his soulmates right now, more than he thought. He needed them to be there, to hold him, calm him down and show them how much he was loved.


The next day, Josh got up early to start working again. He kept eyeing his phone the whole time, but no messages were coming in - at least none from Tyler. He sighed softly. He knew he was the one who had to let Tyler know when he was free, but still, he had secretly hoped that Tyler would be the one to message him before that. Unfortunately that wasn't the case.

Let's Recelebrate - Book 2 (a Joshler story)Where stories live. Discover now