ichor took the peeler and moved towards him, lee pleaded,"please, y/n, my dear, don't do this, send me to prison but don't do this, please"

ichor giggled darkly, she reassured,"oh darling, y/n is doing nothing right now" ichor took his leg in her hand and put the peeler on it.

she made a eye contact with him while she dig it inside his skin making the red fluid cover over it, lee screamed at the pain as ichor slides the peeler down making it peel his skin.

aruem turned her head in another direction as she couldn't keep up with it, binita clenched at the handle of her seat meanwhile seokjin held her hand.

jimin looked at saanvi who was looking as if it was nothing, yoongi looked at y/n scanning the pain she holds in her those scary eyes. 

hoseok's eyes welled seeing her sister, namjoon observed it in silence, jungkook saw how monstrous y/n as become in finding this man.

as she had peeled it, she put salt rubbing and sliding her fingers inside his skin making him go almost unconscious, ichor cleaned her hands as hoshi poured water on it.

lee became unconscious due to blood loss, ichor ordered,"go, prepare for his final goodbye" hoshi nodded and went out while ichor looked at him.

ichor grasped his jaw shaking him making him subconscious, she said,"you have build this monster, so are you enjoying it?"

lee apologized,"s-sorry" but it came out more as of whisper, ichor answered as it was audible in that silent basement,"apology not accepted" lee again got unconscious.

ichor moved out as her phone rang, everyone in CCTV room watched as guards empty the basement and tied lee's hands and legs on a long thick wood stick in alphabet L shape.

a transparent cubical box filled with coal and petrol brought inside, they placed it there and ichor entered inside, she gestured them to leave except hoshi.

ichor placed a cigarette between her lips and hoshi came forward to light it up, lee was tied just above the cubical, he opened his eyes as the strong smell of petrol met his nostrils.

he looked in front of him there was a cubical box filled with fossil fuels, he looked at the side and found ichor standing there staring at his small acts too.

she said in her dark and deep voice,"do you get déjà vu?" lee shivered when he realized what is going to happen to him.

he requested,"just shoot me, please, shoot me! i cannot bear it! please shoot me" ichor said,"my friend asked to see you pleading for your death if she was watching this she must have been happy"

she continued,"anyways, request denied" she smirked and threw her half burned cigarette in cubical after smoking out a puff.

as soon the cigarette touch the petrol it catches the fire making the heat and flames reach near lee, he yelled,"I AM SORRY, PLEASE! SORRY!"

a drager was thrown and it cuts the rope which tied him, he fell in cubical box, ichor laughed like a maniac as she heard his melodious scream.

soon the flame died down and the side on cubical opened as the burned body of a male slides down from there stopping in front of ichor.

she remarked,"last time this burning smell made wanting to puke but this time its so satisfying" ichor ordered,"threw him in the burned factory near country side" ichor left.

aruem stood up as she was about to walk a button got pressed by her and camera changed, they looked and it was a cabin.

binita said,"its y/n's cabin" as soon her words finishes the door of the cabin barged open by y/n, she shut it close with the same sound as it made when she barged inside.

she moved near her desk, took a support of it but her legs trembled, body quivered, lips parted apart and eyes filled with tears.

y/n breathed out,"finally", she looked at her dad's picture and said,"i killed him dad, i killed the way he tried to kill aruem, it feels like i am a monster same as him"

tears fell down from her cheeks as she wipe them off, y/n said,"my mission is completed" saanvi said,"i really need to go to her, i can't see it anymore"

the door of her cabin got opened and a man with tall and stiff body entered inside, he said,"è finalmente completato" (its finally completed)

y/n said wiping off her tears,"Vincenzo, cosa fai qui?" (vincenzo, what are you doing here?), he moved towards y/n and said,"i didn't train you weak so that you'll cry over your enemy's death"

y/n chuckled and nodded, she said,"i am not crying at him and i was questioning that what's the difference between lee and me?" vincenzo said,"always remember, one thing"

he took a deep breath and said,"un diavolo scaccia l'altro" (It takes a devil to drive out another devil) y/n chuckled and nodded. she asked,"makkoli is it?" he nodded and she teased,"call your girlfriend too" he questioned,"aren't you being too much blunt young lady?"

y/n shrugged and said,"i always was, wasn't I?" she went out swinging her hips, he sighed and said looking at up at ceiling,"why you have given me these types of females?"

he stormed his feet and moves behind her, y/n and vincenzo left from headquarters then hoshi sent others escape from there to y/n's house.







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