hate you

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hello sweethearts!

I'm back with another chapter! so lets start!

 just beacuse of title of song i mentioned it and believe me this song is so good!


as soon y/n finished her words, she felt dizzy why won't she as it was traumatizing for her, y/n's head fell on binita's shoulder, both of them tried to make her conscious but it wasn't useful. 

they were about to call doctor but jin came in and checked her, he told everyone that she got fainted due to weakness, boys , saanvi and binita left for their own rooms too. 

next morning....

y/n's P.O.V

blinking few times i opened my eyes, sitting, my eyes went on dad's photo frame and there was my own reflection too, i got down and dragged my feet towards bathroom.

after getting ready, i came downstairs, only to find Mrs.Kim and Doctor Seokjin cooking, Mr.Min was sitting there checking some files and namjoon helping him, yoongi was doing something in laptop while his headphones on his head, jimin was talking to someone on phone call, taehyung was shooting video of hoseok's dancing, jungkook was nowhere to find.

an emotion called loneliness was growing more in my heart, i went towards dining table and i was chopping fruits for myself along with that i switched my phone on, which was filled with different types of messages. 

door bell rang, going towards door i can sense everyone looking at me, as soon i opened the door jack's face came in my view, he bowed and i nodded getting aside making a way for him to get in, he came inside and removed his shoes while i made my way towards dining table. 

i can guess he bowed to everyone out there, "did you had your breakfast?" this question came in more colder way then i use to ask before but i can't do anything as i don't want to have conversation with anyone but work never stops. 

"yes,mam" his reply came in brightest way possible which made me wonder that how he became my friend, "oh Jack you're here? come have breakfast with us." Mrs.Kim's voice rang in my ear as i was eating my fruits, his shaking head at denial came in my view as i made my way to make coffee.

he came behind me saying,"mam you have meeting with Italian clients they were insisting to have meeting in Italy but they agreed to have meeting here itself." "is it a conference?" i inquired, he responded,"no, they've arrived here early in morning" nodding my head i again sat back at my place. 

"tell Karina she have to show them Seoul" he nodded noting it down on his tab, he continued my rest schedule, "from my everyday schedule postpone or re-schedule all meetings at 5pm-6pm, i have some other work at that time" he nodded again noting it down. 

"oh hi, Jack" saanvi's voice met ears, binita came and took a bite of apple from my plate, i looked at her warning her when saanvi also took orange from there, sighing in defeat i finished my plate. 

Saanvi asked,"we were thinking of buying a car here for transportation, y/n what suggestion you have?" "before suggesting let me tell you, we came here to start business from 0 so we don't have that much resources and money, suggest something under our budget" binita explained the situation. 

"then i could suggest Ssangyong Rodius" i recommended, binita said,"yea that's perfect!" i was sipping my coffee when Jack said,"mam as you are the 2nd largest shareholder in m/s park's company after m/s park so other shareholders were asking whom to appoint as next CEO" 

subconsciously a scoff left my mouth, imagining those greedy bastards, i replied to Jack,"tell them I'm appointing Binita Roy as new CEO of Park Enterprises" i kept my plate and cup in sink and washed my hands, there was pin drop silence out of nowhere, i turned and saw all of them looking at me so surprised. 

i went towards door way wearing my heels, binita said,"how will i handle business?" i asked,"how are you handling your business?" she looked at me being done, continuing my words,"its same way you'll handle aruem's business, i don't want any wrong man siting on her chair, i know you that's why i'm doing this"

i was deciding from my car keys and continued,"from this your connections will also get strong and you can grow your business here quicker also you'll have a nice grip in industry" i picked a car key and went out with Jack behind me.


saanvi came and reassured binita, Mrs.Kim said,"i think y/n is right, binita you can do this" binita nodded and went in room with saanvi. 

in evening

y/n came inside and music was so loud inside her house, she looked and saw boys were trying to make Jungkook's mood lighter, sighing she was about go to her room but music stopped and lights turned on, everyone looked at her. 

turned to them, Jin came and hugged her and said,"come join us y/n" y/n was tired and this all was making her irritate, she said pushing lightly,"dude, stay away from me" taehyung said,"oh come on we don't wanna be close to you" jungkook spat with hatred,"we are never gonna accept you as our sister" y/n also said with same rage,"and who do you think want to be your sister! you are staying at my house, remember? and don't you ever talk to me like this!" saying this y/n went to her room. 

"I HATE YOU KIM Y/N" jungkook yelled from top of his lungs, he fell on his knees crying and saying,"because of her my aruem is not with me" "i didn't let you hear all those so that you can disrespect my friend" a cold voice from corner of room said, they looked at saw saanvi and binita standing there.

"we never disrespected her but you all are-" saanvi didn't continued her words but sigh at the end. 

saanvi continued,"you have known aruem from last 2 years but y/n, for her aruem was a sister, mother, savior, friend, or anything close to her, since y/n lost her dad her first priority was aruem and seeing her closest friend whom she has know from her diaper days screaming for its life and her being not able to do anything is not easy."

saying this saanvi and binita went to their room, boys also console jungkook and went to their rooms after cleaning house. 






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