Stray Kids

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hello sweethearts!!

i saw your lovely comments in last chapter!! lets starts this!!


next month began, y/n entered in the campus driving her car with another car behind her car. 4 of them get off the car with sunglasses lingering on their eyes.

they walked inside with their poker face and corridor rang with cheers, saanvi and aruem rolled their eyes and walked towards dean cabin

after taking saanvi's schedule and some chit chat they went towards their lockers, binita said as she saw y/n speeding up,"hold on y/n, note won't go anywhere"

saanvi and aruem knew about it, 3 of them smirked at y/n's wide eyes, her ears turned red and she opened her locker, taking note in her hands she reads it.

'is she you friend, now days i see you smiling and it feels good that now you are not alone here'

after replying him back, y/n took her belonging and after other 3 took their belonging too then they went towards their classrooms.

saanvi said,"thank god out first class is always together"  aruem complained,"now we have to again see that annoying teacher's face" 

they sat at backbench, soon few men and dean entered inside the classroom, dean announce,"these are the replacement teachers, you all know them but behave with them"

students screams, boys looked at y/n and she gave them a confused look making them scoff in their mind at latter's miserable acting.

jungkook stayed back and others went to their own respected classroom, jungkook introduced,"I am Min Jungkook, your new classroom teacher" they cheered

he continued,"please introduced yourself, we will begin from last bench" y/n and girls looked at him, aruem stood up and said smiling,"i am park aruem, Mr.handsome" 

jungkook's ears turned red, he said avoiding eye contact with aruem,"next" saanvi got up and said," I am Saanvi Paras" binita got up and said,"I am Binita Roy"

y/n stood up and introduced,"I am Kim y/n" this made jungkook's eyes darken, others started whispering about her surname which should be Min.

without caring about anything y/n sat back,  jungkook heard others and then started his lecture, they listened carefully, y/n whispered to binita,"this wasn't in plan"

binita agreed,"he and other 2 should be students but they came as teacher" saanvi said,"i got Mr.Min's message he said they couldn't get admission due to age so they become teachers"

their eyes went on aruem, y/n commented,"aru stop eye fucking up" her cheeks turned red, jungkook said to them,"you 4 on last bench, why are you talking? meet me in office"

they nodded and then focused on lecture, aruem was time to time either winking, passing flying kiss or mouthing 'i love you' to jungkook which distracted him alot. 

after the lecture was over, girls headed towards jungkook's office room where everyone was present, after getting inside y/n asked,"what are you all doing here?"

other 3 also maintained their posture, jimin answered playing along,"because of some work, that's why we are telling you, now we are here so we'll know everything what you do here"

y/n said going out,"i have other classes, bye" binita and others also went saying,"bye".

soon it was lunch break, binita saanvi and aruem sat in cafeteria, saanvi asked,"where is y/n?" aruem said,"she don't do lunch, how many times i have told her but she doesn't"

binita said,"maybe because she don't like cafeteria's food and before appa used to send her lunch and now no one is there" seokjin heard their talks and went ahead in his office.

next day came as early they have expected, after y/n, boys came in their own cars, parking lot was filled with luxury cars, girl screamed their name and they walked inside with poker face.

y/n was going towards her class but seokjin called her stopping her,"y/n" she turned and saw seokjin standing there, she asked,"yes, oppa?" in this week she started calling him oppa.

seokjin cleared his throat and said handing her lunch box,"i thought to give you lunchbox but you left early others have their with them"

y/n was just staring at it, her hands trembled a little while accepting it but she said after taking it,"um...t-thank you" y/n went towards her classroom blinking her tears. 

in lunch time, y/n sat on ground where no one was there, she was just looking at the lunch box in her hands and seokjin was looking at her from afar. 

slowly y/n opened the box and took a bite of food, smile forming on her lips, as she ate her lunch seokjin went in his office to eat lunch. 

scene shift towards a man standing at the end of corridor, he reported to someone on call,"sir, kim y/n is here with her friends and brothers" taehyung who was about to pass from there hide himself to listen this. 

after texting everyone, they all met in Jimin's cabin, taehyung informed,"i found one man talking to someone on phone call about y/n and others"

hoseok asked,"you saw his face?" taehyung shook his head, yoongi asked,"where he was maybe we can see him on camera" taehyung told,"there wasn't any camera"

namjoon banged his hand on table in frustration, jungkook said calming them,"its okay hyungs, we are going to find that man" jimin agreed,"lets went back to our works" 

they nodded and went back to their works, namjoon send this information in code language on Ichor's phone. 

y/n and others were going towards their classrooms, they were about to divide, y/n said,"we need to meet in the room"

getting inside the elevator, y/n scanned her hand above the number plate and some other floor no.s showed up in digital pad, pressing on one of them. they waited for floor to arrive.

Ichor came out of elevator with bane,judas and nerium, getting inside a room, ichor called someone. 

after called got picked up, other boys yelled in excitement, judas said getting annoyed,"Stray Kids" hyunjin said,"saanvi shut up"

judas said,"i'm also not dying to talk to you all" bane asked,"why did you chose them to handle your Australian mafia business?" 

han said,"because we are better then you, binita" bane answered,"for your kind information i am handling the most big business of ichor in India"

ichor and chan said together,"stop it you all!" Ichor said in her cold tone,"how many times i have to tell you all not to call them by their actual names" 

both them hung their heads low, chan apologized,"sorry Ichor for their recklessness" ichor said sighing,"i think we need you here! he is planning to attack anytime soon"

she continued,"you need to guard this floor of building and Felix you will handle control room guiding us" nerium said,"you are coming here due to a deal too so nobody will doubt you"

stray kids nodded and said,"okay" after call was declined, bane asked,"how you know he is planning to attack?" 

Ichor answered,"RM texted me" they nodded and moved out, they reached down they went to their respected classes. 







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