Domain Expansion

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While Megumi and Nobara are mourning for Yuji's death, they train with their second year seniors in order to get stronger and prepare for the Exchange Event, though they didn't know Yuji is alive. Sukuna made a Binding Vow with Yuji and bring him back alive, but all what Sukuna be doing now is simply wait for the perfect moment to move. While keeping Yuji's life a secret, Satoru decide to hide him away with only those within the morgue know he is alive. Right now, Yuji is training how to control his cursed energy by watching movies.

(Gojou Clan Residence)
(Underground Hideout)

Just same as when Satoru left them, Yuji and Sakura are watching the movies in the television. The cursed corpse has been hitting Yuji for a while now because of his cursed energy either move too much or too low, but it didn't move as much as before. Right now, Yuji and Sakura are watching Ultra Galaxy Mega Monster Battle.

Yuji: Man... Sakura-chan, I never knew you like this kind of movie.

Sakura: Well, I'm not really into Ultraman as much as Tama-nii. But I do like watch the series and movies sometimes.

Yuji: Ohh...

Sakura: Hey, Yuji. Why did you become a sorcerer? You just a person who live normally without any interaction with curses before.

Yuji: Hmmm... How do I tell you this? It because my late grandfather's request. He told me I'm strong so I should help others, and surrounded by people when I die. But the principal's cursed corpse beat him up and he keep asking me more because I would ended up cursing those I care if I die. I haven't really decide how will I die, but... *smile* I don't want to regret the way I live.

Sakura: Huh...

Yuji: Well, that is just all talk when I realize I was in death door. So that is why I will get stronger and protect those who close to me. That is what I really wanted!

Sakura: Wow... Yuji is really cool.

Yuji: Am I? *scratching his head* I guess so. Though please don't fall for me, Sakura-chan. Others might mistaken me for a lolicon.

Sakura: *laughing* Ahahahah! Don't worry, Yuji! I'm just eight years old, so no way I wanted to someone so early!

Yuji: *relief sigh* Thank goodness...

Sakura: If my Dad found out I got a boyfriend when I grew up, he'd surely go crazy.

Yuji: Ahahah. I saw that multiple times on TV. Overprotective dads.

Sakura: Right?! Ahahaha!

Both of them laughing happily because they keep walking on how Satoru would flipped even if Sakura just acting like a proper teenager. Sakura even mentioned that Tamashi would act the same since he has been her "older brother" for few years now. While speaking, they change the movie to Lord of the Rings.

TV: "I'll protect you. I won't leave! Sam... *whimpering* Let's get ready for our journey..."

Both of them keep their eyes at the movie because it took that interest. After few hours, the cursed corpse didn't even budge.

Yuji: Man, this franchise is really cool...

Sakura: *drinking soda* Yeah...

???: Yuji. Sakura.

Yuji/Sakura: Ahhh!

They turn around and greeted with Satoru.

Yuji: Gojou Sensei!

Satoru: *in mind* Talking to him doesn't cause a problem, either.

Sakura: Dad, why are you here? Aren't you supposed to be meeting Grandpa Yaga?

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